
Thursday, February 8, 2018

Eagles Parade Day

Being Part of the Celebration

In Person, TV, Live Stream

Yay Eagles! (laughing) Kaya should have posted today; her font is green. Oh, well! She did give me the okay to use her color on this post as we all "bleed green." 

Today was a day of celebration in Philadelphia. Philadelphia and Archdiocese schools were closed today. So were a lot of businesses. We had friends go down to the event. I got to come help Xyra get set up to live stream the parade. 
We're ready. You can see it's not going to be very warm in the city today.

Underdogs! Woof!
Buses are on the move!
They've reached the oval! Look at all the people! And that's only a tiny section.

On the stairs. Look! The cheerleaders.
There's the trophy!
The drum line and cheerleaders are pumping up the crowd. Like that needs to be done; that crowd is way pumped already.
Wow! The national anthem was beautiful; so many people singing along with the bugler or trumpeter.

Oh. My. Gosh! The speeches!

Yay EAGLES! Thank you for a great season!!!!

Were any of you down in the crowd? We'd love to hear about your experience. 😊

Okay, so that's it for sports posts...wait, the Olympics start Friday. So excited for them too! So this is the end of our Eagles or football posts...for now. (giggles) Have a great day!

À bientôt!



  1. in answer of your comment on my blog:
    Kava Root
    Carob Pod
    Indian/Jamaican Sarsaparilla Root
    Ginger Root
    Cinnamon Bark
    Cardamom Seed
    Stevia Leaf
    Barley Malt

  2. We were all happy here to see them win. The Patriots didn't need another ring!
