
Friday, January 5, 2018

Celebrating Twelfth Night

Happy Twelfth Night! 

Time to un-decorate the house (and Xyra's office) and get ready to close the Christmas season. 

The wise men arrive tomorrow! So what better way to close but with...

The Christmas Tag!

Thank you, Mary, for nominating us!


  • Thank the person who nominated you and share a link to their blog. (see above)
  • Add the tag picture to your blog
  • Copy the rules into your post
  • Mention and add a link to the original/nominating post: Mary at Forever American Girl nominated us.
  • Answer the 10 questions
  • Have fun!


  1. What is your favorite thing about Christmas?
    It's hard to decide. The music is great, visiting with family and friends, the sparkle in the air, the food...
  2. What is your favorite Christmas memory?
    Arriving at my new home with Coconut. I still miss that little fluff ball; he was awesome.
  3. Do you have any Christmas traditions?
    Lots! Going to church on Christmas Eve, having Pillsbury cinnamon rolls for breakfast, decorating all the trees, and putting the angel on the top of the tree last.
  4. What is your Christmas wish?
    That joy and peace would settle in the hearts of all for the entire year.
  5. What is your favorite Christmas dish?
    Ham. And one we haven't had in a few years - mince pie! Love that. And Great Aunt Lanie's raisin cookies. And Nana Kestrel's cut out cookies. And Gramma Enne's applesauce jewel bread.
  6. What is your favorite Christmas decoration?
    The angel on top.I was really upset the one year we couldn't find her right away.
  7. What is your favorite Christmas carol and/or song (there is a difference)?
    I really can't choose. There are so many! Xyra's favorite carol is Hark, the Herald Angels Sing. Then there are the fun ones like Dominic the Italian Christmas Donkey. We just love it all - oh, except for that one awful reindeer song. :( 
  8. Where do you usually celebrate Christmas?
    We start and finish at home, but also go to Nana Kestrel's and Great Aunt Bets.
  9. What does the Christmas spirit mean to you?
    Everything. It means caring, kindness, joy, and peace. A great gift given out of love and forgiveness.
  10. Out of anyone in the world, who would you want to spend Christmas with?
    I love spending Christmas with my family. Just wish we were all a bit closer geographically.

As the Christmas season is coming to a close, we won't tag anyone; however, please feel free to answer any or all of these questions in our comment section. We'd love to see how you celebrate. :-)

PS: Read more about Twelfth Night in these articles (according to British traditions):

Best wishes,

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