
Monday, September 11, 2017

Model Monday: Tag Team

Melody to Lanie

Maryellen's Play Outfit Plus

Hi! The other day I was visiting with Great Aunt Lanie and asked her what she thought of my outfit. If it reminded of anything she wore when she was a teen.
She pointed out a few things so I thought Lanie should model with her suggestions. She did like my glasses and, of course, I mislaid them before the shoot. 😞 But you've seen them before. The brownie ombre ones. Lanie has a bigger photo shoot.

Melody's Outfit Details
Maryellen's Play Outfit (purchased on sale without the shoes)
White tennis shoes (unknown; included with outfit purchased from a crafter)

Lanie's Turn

So Melody told me the things Great Aunt Lanie pointed out as incorrect and I tried to fix them.
First, she said she and her friends would not have worn shoes without socks. And she also didn't remember wearing tennis shoes other than when playing tennis, so I dug out a pair of Bobby socks and our saddle shoes.
This is my adjusted version. How do I look?

Lanie's Outfit Details
Maryellen's Play Outfit (purchased without the shoes)
Bobby socks (OG Sweet in the Heat retired)
Saddle shoes (Molly's retired)

Who Wore it Best?

Your turn to vote. Who did you think looks best in this outfit?

I'm so glad we can share clothes!
Me too!

Best wishes,


  1. Can't choose. Both look so adorable in the outfit. I agree that back then we would have worn socks with all shoes and saddle shoes were the normal footwear. The "pedal pushers" are cute with the sleeveless top. Very 50's.

  2. Replies
    1. Favorites in the collection! I wish I had thought to pull them out earlier.

  3. Lanie was stunning in the outfit, but Melody was cute, of course. =) The shoes Lanie chose were a great addition!

  4. I like Lanie in it, she looks a bit like Sandy in Grease with her curls! I agree with your aunt about the shoes, I never thought the ones that came with the set looked all that authentic to the era. They reminded me more of ones I had in the 1970's.

    1. Thanks! Look at me, I'm Sandra Dee! (giggles)

      Molly's saddle shoes were always a favorite. I'm really glad I added them to the collection.

  5. Both girls look cute in that outfit, but I think Lanie looks the best. I love her hair! But both Melody and Lanie look great.
    P.S. Did you know that you won second prize in my giveaway? I emailed you about it, so it'd be great if you could email me back with your address as soon as possible. :)

    1. Oh. My. Goodness! I didn't see that. Thank you so much! I will find that email asap and respond. So very sorry for the delay; we've gotten behind again.
