
Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Coolspring June 2017 Day 4


The last day of the June expo was GORGEOUS! 
We had another super yummy breakfast from Villella's meats. Many field exhibitors and most of the flea market people left Friday night, but a lot of people were still coming in. Hey, engines were running in the buildings AND they were still making ice cream! What more do you need?

How about a quilt show?

The Coolspring Presbyterian Church 
hosted a quilt show that was open from 11 am to 2 pm. 
This is how it worked. If you just wanted to look, FREE! If you wanted to look and vote for your favorites, for every dollar you contributed you got three vote tickets. So if you donated $5 you could vote 15 times. The quilts with the most votes would get ribbons for first, second, and third place. Then there was the raffle quilt. It was beautiful with yellow and white and grey. I think it had two pillow shams too. Each raffle chance was $5. 

The church was draped in quilts! I think there were about 30 in all. All sorts represented.

Machine Quilted
Hand Quilted
This one had all our favorite colors in it.
So did this one.
This one had an interesting design.
A woman brought in this one as we were leaving. 
The ladies were talking about how it took "two summers on the porch" to finish and how each piece was "fussy cut." (giggles) She has it as a wall hanging.

It was tough to choose. Of those pictured, which would you choose as your first second, and third place?

My true favorite was at home. My very own quilt from Lady Grey! Beautiful and perfect in all weather.

After the quilt show I walked back through the Power Tech BuildingThis vertical engine was running.
So was the Hornsby-Ackroyd.
Darn, that time I looked the wrong way. (giggles)

The K-Berg is a popular engine. 
Unfortunately it's not working right now. The water jacket still being repaired.

Just before dinner I took a look at the field. 
A LOT different than when we arrived.

That's it for my Coolspring June Expo Trip. We were so busy packing up the very last day we didn't take any pictures. Hope you enjoyed my trip. 

Don't forget to tell us your favorite quilts from those pictured.

Tchau! Até mais tarde!


  1. I guess I'm a traditionalist--my favorite quilts are the hand quilted one and the log cabin pattern. They are all pretty though!

    See you in October. ;)

  2. Oh I love those quilts!! I have several made by my grandmothers and great-aunts. I have made some small doll-size quilts but nothing special. The work that goes into a full-size quilt is amazing - so beautiful!

    1. Yes, the work that goes into a quilt is amazing even if it is a simple knotted quilt.
