
Monday, May 29, 2017

Memorial Day 2017

Rain or Shine We Remember

Around here it tends to rain on Memorial Day.
Not always, but we always prepare for it just in case.
This year it was bad enough to cancel the parade and ceremony.
We still took time to remember those that serve our country.
Who give their all every day.
Especially those who gave everything.
Thank you.

How did you spend your Memorial Day? Did you have any special plans? Watch parades?

Best wishes,


  1. Memorial Day is always questionable when it comes to weather here. I remember one year, many many years ago, going to Lake Erie with friends. It was so windy and cold, we couldn't even get our fire lit for our barbeque. We did end up with our pictures in the news paper though as "persistent picnickers on the lake"!

    1. Same on our side of the state. I think last year was really nice, but overall we tend to expect cool and/or rainy.
