
Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Living Lilac Plus

Tea For Tuesday #9 + Garden Shoot

Revisiting Lost Pines Yaupon Light Roast

Have you tried any new teas lately? We have some waiting patiently to be steeped and reviewed. When there isn't time to be thorough, we go back to our collection and enjoy a cup again. That's what we did this past weekend. Lanie and I wanted to try the Lost Pines Yaupon again with some spices added. We pulled out the light roast, prepped our tea drip pot, added the tea, and sprinkled in cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg.

It was perfect! So yummy. Hot we added "just a wee smackeral" of bamboo honey. Do you know who uses that phrase? (giggles)
We didn't finish what was in the pot so at lunch we had it over ice unsweetened. So cool in so many ways!

We also found we could re-steep this particular batch of leaves and spices two times without losing much flavor. The third time was really, really weak.

Now it's time for Lanie to take over. Grab your favorite beverage and relax while checking out her latest fashion or garden shoot. Take it away, Lanie!

Living Lilac

Oh. My. Gosh! Lilacs all over our area are in bloom, including ours! Yay! It smells wonderful! And the flowers are so beautiful I asked Xyra to take some photos of me with our tree.

And I took a couple of the blossoms alone.

Oh, the azaleas look fabulous right now too. Or did before the rain the other day. Knocked a lot of the blooms off. I'm glad the bumbles gathered a lot yesterday. We have pink like this.
Which is your favorite blossoms photo? 

Thank you for stopping! Best wishes!


Note: Tea Time with American Girl is not affiliated with American Girl or Lost Pines Yaupon Tea. We received samples of both roast styles in exchange for an honest review. The initial review was posted in 2015. There was no request to revisit and re-review. the above sharing of our latest tasting was unsolicited and is comprised of our own honest discoveries, opinions, thoughts, and words. No purchase is required to enjoy the post. All links are provided for educational and informational purposes. Should you be interested in learning more or trying it yourself, the links will point you in the right direction.

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