
Friday, May 5, 2017

Fifth of May 2017

Organization Before Celebration

Haley, Kirsten, both

Dolly Wardrobe Nightmares

Hey, Haley! What are you doing out here?
I'm trying to sort the doll clothes, but the cats aren't helping!
(frustrated) It's not funny.
Oh, I know! Been there! Try finishing a homework poster project with little paws grabbing at your markers!
(giggles) Okay, I guess they're just being kitties.
I have an idea; hand me that ribbon. I'll distract them while you sort.
(smiling) Okay!
[Kirsten swings ribbon; cats focus on ribbon trying to grab it, Haley sorts accessories and clothes - giggling, the soft thud of paws on tile after jumping at ribbon]
How's it going?
Almost finished!
Okay. Look here Camille! Get it Missy! Nice grab, Rascal. Wow! Good jump, Zip! Tutu, you're funny!
Awesome! Now we can go get dinner! Xyra enchiladas for Cinco de Mayo.

How often do you have little helpers when working on projects? 

Celebration Greetings

Are you doing anything to celebrate Cinco de Mayo?

Stop again soon! Have a great Friday!


  1. We didn't since we were out of town, but we did have Mexican food the night before!

    1. Oh, that's nice! What's your favorite Mexican dish?

    2. I would say taquitos are my favorite, hubby likes fajitas. And refried beans, yum!!!

    3. Neat! Refried beans are super easy to make. We make ours from scratch whenever Franz wants tacos. :-)
