
Thursday, April 6, 2017

Tea Review or Reviews III

Thirsty Thursday #19

Kaya, Lea, both

Round Three

This is it!
The finale!
Cue dramatic music. (giggles)
Hmm, maybe Ode to Joy? 

Tazo Joy

So the Diamond Jubilee tea was a celebration tea blend.
Tazo Joy is a seasonal tea. In fact, it's their Christmas tea.
A special treat. (giggles)
What's funny?
The description reads, "Three classic teas come together for this festive ode. Smooth black teas from India and Sri Lanka harmonize with oolong's perfect peach and green tea's jasmine lullaby. Feel free to sing along."
Ha! I get it; not so much funny as punny. Cute!
Well, let's get started. The Joy comes in sachets. 
This time we'll use one and only enough water for that sachet.
Sounds good. (giggles) You're going to love the steeping instructions!
The last part says, "Let it steep. Wait patiently for perfection."
And how long are we to wait for perfection?
Five minutes.
Cool! We're on our way.
I love the golden color.
Yeah, the three teas balance the color well.
Smells warm and dreamy.

First Sip: Plain
Nice. Smooth. I get very subtle hints of the peach.
Yummy. I'm picking up the jasmine.

Second Sip: Table Sugar
Oooo, this really enhances the peach.
Yes, it stands out more this way.

Third Sip: Milk and Sugar
Oh, it stands up well with the milk in it.
Yes, it's creamier.
Tazo Joy is a unique blend that tastes great no matter how you prep your cup.
I'm giving it 4 out of 5 stars because it isn't available all year round.

Party Time

Let's see what Suzi and Gen think about the Joy.
Here we go, joy for all!
Where did Gen go?
To make sure all the treats were on the table.
(Gen returns)
So do we have everything?
Yeah, no stray mochi.
So what do you think about the Joy tea?
I like it. The jasmine is subtle and supports the peach well.
You have to try it with our local honey.
Wow! That's a completely different dimension of flavor.
Yeah! Super tasty!
This tea set is adorable! I love ladybugs.
Let's get a group photo.
Take another to be safe!

Xyra's Notes

  • I was gifted Tazo Joy several years ago as a Christmas gift and loved it. Saved it for special times so I could make the box last. When Nonna said she has some for the review I was thrilled, overjoyed even. 😉
  • The blend is mild and tasty. It is good plain, with sugar, turbinado sugar, sugars with milk, etc. The honey was outstanding. I have not tried it with any of our honeys (radish, bamboo, buckwheat, spice) but expect them to add another level to the flavor as well - not the same.
  • I have over steeped this blend and it does not get bitter.
  • The description on the tin does not match that on the website, but the ingredients lists match.

We hope you had fun and will return soon. Have a great night!

So glad you stopped! Até mais tarde!

Note: Tea Time with Melody Q is not affiliated with American Girl, Our Generation, Tazo, Starbucks, or Harney and Sons. The tea reviewed was purchased by our friend. the review is unsolicited and comprised of our own words and opinions. Links are provided for educational and informative purposes. No purchase is required to enjoy the post.


  1. I am Queen of Oversteeping and welcome all teas that cannot be destroyed in my realm. ;)

    1. Hahaha! We never try to oversteep...just happens. SOme make us say, "Oh, no!" and we still drink it. Others we don't even notice. :-D
