
Monday, March 27, 2017

Kirsten's Movie Review: Beauty and the Beast

Sunday Outing with VWX

Movie Tavern!

Disclaimer! We did not find a Beauty and the Beast poster so I'm showing you Lanie's photo. Check it out; I wore the same coat she did. I think it was warmer that day and it was January!
Also we did not take photos during the movie as that is illegal, so you're getting my armchair movie review. Just me channeling my inner Pauline Kael or one of these cool 15 women.

After church, Xyra and I sped over to Collegeville and the Movie Tavern. We were really early so drove around a bit until a great spot opened up across from Panera. Perfect because were meeting Nonna and Lady No-Tea after the movie.

It was a short walk to the theater. We both wore the wrong coats. It was COLD!
Once inside we took a seat in the waiting area. 
I didn't like that view so we moved to face another direction. We ordered an unsweetened iced tea and read while we waited.
Lady Vanyer arrived first; a couple minutes after they announced "...seating for Beauty and the Beast in Theater 5." Lady Webby arrived a few minutes later and after lots of hugs we headed to our real seats.

Hey, do you understand the heading? (giggles) Vanyer, Webby, and Xyra. 

Inside Theater 5

If you've been following the news then you know the theater was FULL! Lady Webby ordered the tickets in advance. The only multiple seats together were in row D, a row or two closer than we like, but not bad. The girl next to me was split from her grandmother. We talked for a bit. She and her grandmother were really nice.

We ordered a large popcorn with butter and the Hawaiian flatbread. Both are easy to share.

Shh, Shh, Beauty and the Beast is Starting

Our food came out as the movie started. Well, our food did, but Lady Vanyer kept waiting. It was terrible. Hers finally came out, but it was much later than everyone else.
Anyway, the lights dimmed, the title credits and overture began, and I was hooked! It was really, really cool. Exciting, suspenseful, magical. Great music and singing and dancing. Super characters - ones you love, like, or dislike intensely. Comedy, drama, joy, sorrow, a little fear, a few tears - happy and sad. Beautiful sets and costumes. (sighs) Loved, loved, loved Emma as Belle and swooned with Dan as the Beast. He was awesome! Kevin Kline was great as Maurice. The castle! LaFou hysterical. Gaston was appropriately slimy and evil. What more can I say? A fabulous movie! One we'll add to our collection when it's released on DVD bluray.

Have you seen it yet? What did you think?

Thank you for stopping by. Have a nice day!


  1. Now I want popcorn...(can't wait to see this movie!)

    1. It was very good on Sunday. It's the real butter Movie Tavern uses. Plus this movie lends itself well to nibbling through the entire time!

  2. Haven't seen it yet, but want to so badly! Hawaiian flatbread? At the theatre? Well that's just cool! We only have one large theatre in our area, but it's pretty expensive. We tend to just wait until things come out on DVD. Can't wait to see this movie though! Great review! :)

    ginnie /

    1. When VWX gathers for a movie day, we lean toward lady Webby's preference. She loves Movie Tavern. It is a special treat. It is almost like combining a standard movie theater, your house, and your favorite restaurant all in one. Yes, it is on the expensive side too, but if you work it right and pick the right foods it might work out to be the same as going to a regular theater.

      Our local theater was chosen to show it opening week and still has it. We would have loved going there - only $5 to get in. :-)

      Glad you enjoyed the review!
