
Monday, March 6, 2017

Grace's Manic Monday

Anxiety Happens

Grace, Haley, Kaya, Kirsten, Lanie, Lea, Melody, 2 or more

(six of the crew laughing and playing in the living room; Grace enters clearly frustrated.)
ARGH! I can't believe you people! I'm freaking out about this trip and your sitting here pushing a 16th century monk around in a modern car!
Time traveling Martin Luther. (giggles)
Gets to see the impact of his 95 theses after 500 years. (giggles)
Mr. and Mrs. Playm are taking him on a tour of the local Lutheran churches. (giggles)
Hey, I think he should try driving.
I bet he fits better behind the wheel than in the back seat. (laughing)
Mrs. even has to sit sideways. (laughing)
Hey, Grace, what's really bugging you?
I don't know what to pack and I want to look nice for Gamma Enne and Opa Hans. Everyone knows you're her favorite.
Yes, that's true...but don't forget you share your name with great grammy, her mom, and she loved her dearly.
I know you'll have a good time.
But leaving Bonbon is so hard.
Yeah, I know that. Just know we're here to take care of her.
(hugs Grace) Don't worry. We all have some travel anxiety. It will go away once you're on the road and off on exciting new adventures.
I suppose.
Lets go get you packed.

Do you get anxious before a big trip? What is your favorite way to ease away from the anxiety?

Upcoming Events

Yes, you read the above correctly. Grace and Xyra are headed west to visit Gramma Enne and Opa Hans. There will not be a post on Thursday or next Monday. Might not be one on Friday either. We'll bring you the new adventures as soon as possible; stay tuned! 😊

A bientôt! Best wishes!

Note: Tea Time with Melody Q is not affiliated with American Girl, Madame Alexander, Amazon or Playmobil. All items featured in the above post are items from our own collection and purchased with our own funds over time. All links are provided for educational and informative purposes, No purchase is required or suggested to enjoy the post.


  1. Have a great time visiting! Looking forward to see what adventures you encounter.

  2. Happy travels! When I go away I feel the need to clean things even though I would happily ignore them if I were at home. Grace will feel better once she hits the road ��

    1. Too funny! I'm the same way. Getting everything squared away and tidied up. I think I'm doing more this time than I usually do. LOL
      Yes, once she gets her first glimpse of the clouds...

  3. Oh, you got Playmobil Martin Luther! That's great! I can tell the dolls like him a lot.
    I hope you have fun on your trip! :)
    ~Christian Homeschooler

    1. He's fun! I love the little quill and book (not shown). Have you seen the "Girl with Guinea Pigs" set? It's cute and funny at the same time!

      Thank you!

  4. I'm still so glad you found the kitty sweater outfit. I still haven't seen it since!

    I don't know that I have traveling anxiety. Flying anxiety, yes. I just don't do that anymore ;)

    1. I haven't either. Elusive like a cat burglar.

      I think it's mostly leaving the fur kids. I know they are in good hands, but just want everything perfect for them and the sitter. No anxiety about flying here with the exception of getting where I need to on time or with enough time to spare.

  5. Safe travels and have a great trip!

    1. Thank you! It was a great trip. :-)
      ~Grace (and Xyra)
