
Monday, March 20, 2017

Grace Heads West II

Hi! I had hoped to post over the weekend, but there is something wrong with the computer at home and I couldn't download any photos from the camera. So Xyra took the camera with her to work and downloaded them onto a thumb drive for me. Yay!

What to Do in Carson City?

You know, a lot of times the people who live in a place are so used to everyday life in their town they miss the special things and events. Gramma Enne and Opa Hans asked what we might want to do during our visit. 
Since we weren't sure about the weather, we went searching and found the Carson City Visitors' Bureau site. It listed the current events. One that caught our eye was the Great Basin Native Artists exhibit. We definitely wanted to see that.

The Carson City Visitors' Bureau is in a great location on the corner of Carson and Washington Streets. 

It's a little bit north of the capitol building, next to the Nevada State Museum.

As soon as you enter you can sign the guest book and get all the information on the artists. We were greeted by a really great guy named James. He gave us the general layout of the office and exhibit and answered any questions we had. It was nice chatting with him.

There were so many neat things to look at. Can you tell what these are?
They're teapots!
The middle one represents a steam tractor.

This singing cats sculpture is fun!
You can contact this artist for more information on the work on display.

I love this little set.
This gallery card was displayed near it.

Above one of the information racks was a grouping of art. The Live Free piece is by Topah Spoonhunter and is silkscreen on skateboard. 
Yep, a skateboard was repurposed. So cool! It's perfectly placed with the other art. Oh, no! I'm so very sorry, we have this beautiful list of the art on display, but we didn't mark all. This is terrible! Please forgive us!

As I try to pair the more obvious ones on the list I've noticed we seem to be drawn to the work of Topah Spoonhunter, Ben Aleck, and Melissa Melero-Moose. The one to the left of Live Free is by Melissa Melero-Moose and the one on the upper right is by Topaz Jones.

This is by Topah Spoonhunter
It grabbed our attention right away because Enne and Hans play cards a lot! It's called Rebel Kings. Very striking.

This is too and it reminded us of Nana Kestrel, even though it is a caribou and not a moose. 
The proverb is thought provoking. You can find reproductions of these from Two Dogs and A Bear.

I think both of these are Ben Aleck
I'm partial to the eagle, but Xyra was transfixed by Stone Mother above it.

This one is by Jack Malotte. I think it's the one called Ground Hog Sandwiches, but I'm not 100% sure of the title.
I love the layered images. So many to focus on. 

This one is really cool too. More of Melissa's work.

In the center of the room you can relax and read information about Carson City and the state of Nevada as well as the exhibit and the First Nation endeavors. 
You can also purchase some neat souvenirs. Xyra picked up a lapel pin.

Xyra's Notes

  • Again, I am so very sorry to the artwork that is not represented correctly in our post. Everything was stunning and well done. We linked up artist information, please read about these talented people.
  • Most of the work on display is for sale. If you love something please contact the artist or visitors' bureau for more information. You know the rules, my photos fall under copyright protection so don't copy mine to get to theirs. 😊

Until tomorrow...a bientôt!



  1. Loved seeing all of the artwork! Reminds me of a place we visited a few years ago in Berkeley Springs WV.
