
Thursday, February 23, 2017

Period Drama Tag

Period Style and Drama

Hi! Last week Lainey from The Redhead's Blog named me to participate in the Period Drama Tag. When discussing period dramas one should really look the part, don't you think?
How do I look? Kirsten looked great in this. I tied the sash behind and found a hat. It's Caroline's but I think Addy's might have worked better. Oh, well!

Tags are fun little quizzes or interviews about your favorites or experiences. Thank you for tagging me, Lainey! I discussed the questions with my sisters. It was fun! They really helped narrow down my choices and, in some cases, expand them! Yikes! 

The Period Drama Tag

  1. Which period drama do you like most? Anne of Green Gables, but we found out we like a lot! Downton Abbey, Poldark, Miss Fisher's Murders, Miss Marple, Hercule Poirot, Sense and Sensibilty, Pride and Prejudice, The Waltons, Little House on the Prairie. And Xyra like Outlander, we're not to watch that yet.
  2. Choose four characters from a period drama that you like most. Well, is it from "a period drama" or "period drama"? If from a drama, well, then I have to choose from Downton Abbey: The Dowager Countess, Mrs. Padmore, Mrs. Hughes, Bates. Or from Sense and Sensibility: Elinor and Edward, Col. Brandon, Margaret Dashwood. If from the entire genre: Ross Poldark, Demelza, Col Brandon, Miss Marple.
  3. Which period drama have you recently seen that you recommend to other bloggers? Miss Fisher's Murders
  4. If you had to choose, which period drama heroine do you like best? Demelza Poldark...Miss Marple...The Dowager Countess (Violet Crawley)...Phryne Fisher...Elinor Dashwood....Anne Shirley...Elizabeth Bennet
  5. And which period drama hero? This is a shorter list: Col Brandon...Ross Poldark...Mr. Darcy...Hercule Poirot
  6. Have you ever seen a movie which was exactly, or mostly, the same as the book? Anne of Green Gables and Oliver Twist
  7. Which movies do you like most: Jane Austen (ex. Emma), Dickens (ex. Little Dorrit), Bronte sisters (ex. Jane Eyre)? Austen
  8. Would you rather play Emma (Emma), Lizzie (Pride and Prejudice), Catherine (Northanger Abbey), Mary (Downton Abbey), Marian (Robin Hood), Amy (Little Dorrit) or Jane (Jane Eyre)? Marian
  9. Would you rather have Call the Midwife or Cranford? This one was difficult because we aren't familiar with either series. However, we really like Dame Judi Dench, so I choose Cranford.
  10. Which period drama that you haven't seen yet would you like to see? This was easy...(giggles)...Call the Midwife and Cranford.
  11. Which adaptation of Sense and Sensibility do you like most: 1995 or 2008? 1995 solely based on casting. Alan Rickman is swoon-worthy, plus you have Dr. House and a bunch of the Harry Potter actors.
  12. Which adaptation of Pride and Prejudice do you like most: 1995 or 2005? 1995, we're big Colin Firth fans. He is the best Darcy, in my opinion. 
  13. Which couple from a period drama movie do you like most? This specifically notes movie, so Col. Brandon and Marianne with Edward and Elinor. If the question asked about series, then I'd choose Ross and Demelza.

What have we learned from this tag? We need to check out more of the period dramas on TV and I'm not 100% sure who to tag. Xyra is certain Nonna would like this one; I think Steampunk Addie would too. However, if you dropped by and enjoy a good period drama and would like to play along, feel free to answer the same questions in your blog or in the comments below. We'd love to hear your favorites and know who we can call on next time!

Thank you, again, Lainey! This was fun!

Best wishes,


  1. Which version of Poldark do you prefer????

    1. I'd say Aiden Turner, of course; however, that is the only version with which we are acquainted. :) Nana Kestrel gave us season 1 to watch on DVD.

    2. You will have to watch the first version of it someday, but since you haven't already, wait until they are done so you don't ruin the story.

    3. Now I'm curious, Flo. Might have to track down the original.

  2. Great job on the tag! I loved seeing your answers. I've watched the first two episodes of Poldark, but haven't gotten around to watching any more of it yet. :)
    Keep up the lovely work!
    P.S. Melody, you look darling in your outfit.

    1. Thank you! :-)

      We have three more to watch in season one and can tell you that the scenic rides from home to the city do get "shorter" as the episodes progress.

  3. 1. Rome is one of my favorite period dramas ever. I also enjoy Poldark (AT version is the only one I've seen), Black Sails, and, of course, Outlander (even though it's not true to the books!). As a kid, I loved Little House on the Prairie. Of course, I've not seen a lot of dramas that I'm sure I love.
    2. I'd have to pick all the Outlander characters but especially Dougal and Column Mackenzie.
    3. Outlander
    4. Claire, hands down although Demelza is awesome too.
    5. Jamie
    6. I'm too picky to answer that with anything but no
    7. have to go with Dickens because the others are a bit romancy for me
    8. Not enough information to make an informed choice (who has an indoor potty and hot shower?)
    9. what Xyra said
    10. ditto to number 9
    11. Rickman for the win
    12. Colin
    13. Jamie and Claire, Ian and Jenny, Brianna and Roger, Fergus and Marsali...

    1. Love reading your answers!
      1 & 6. Outlander season 1 was pretty close to the book, but I haven't seen past then. Black Sails seems interesting.
      8. Mary from Downton Abbey would have indoor plumbing, but probably not a shower. Those are still hard to find in England. :-)
