
Sunday, December 11, 2016

Christmas Market 2016

Goschenhoppen Historians Christmas Market 2016

Hope you don't mind a long post. I want to share everything in one. :-) Last Saturday, actually 2 Saturdays now, Xyra and I went down to Green Lane and the Goschenhoppen Historians Christmas Market. Nana Kestrel was working it the entire weekend. We arrived shortly after noon and a friend told us they were almost out of cookies! We went to the bake sale first. I'll show you our prize cookies at the end.

Second Floor - Dry Goods

I wanted to check out the bookseller. 
They had loads of books on the region's history and culture and specific trades or skills.
Then we saw the soap lady. Everything smelled WONDERFUL there. Picked up a gift for someone.
Throughout the hall are theme decorated trees. The first we saw had a small loom under it and socks on the branches. 
There were other yarn style decorations too. Turns out the theme was wool and flax!

Here you can see some of the decorations.
This one was Nana Kestrel's. How did I know? Well, first, I recognized the animals from her living room. 
The theme celebrates the National Park system.
Plus she showed us how she was making the ornaments from postcards and twigs. Pretty cool!

A small yellow and white house drew my attention. Isn't it cute? The minis would love it!
It's a diorama showing wool gathering and the related skills - spinning and weaving.
Here's the description card.

This diorama made us laugh! It was designed by Nana Kestrel! I'm sorry we didn't get the full scene; only the underground or indoor scene. This shows "Phil" with his friend "Squeak" snug and ready for Christmas.
Above ground is Mr. Beaver cutting down a tree. You can see the roots of that tree coming through the ceiling of Phil's room. Here's the description card.

Just outside the door on the first landing is a huge Nativity scene. 

Third Floor - Museum

We climbed the next flight of stairs up to the museum. I was most interested in the kitchen displays. In the hearth kitchen I found homemade noodles.
I love this little tree.
The modern (giggles) kitchen featured pies.
And Christmas treats.

Street Level - General Store

We went back down stairs and out to the General Store. The shop keeper was giving out oranges. Don't they look tasty?
This pretty doll looks like she is waiting for a home, but this is her home.
I wonder who designed the egg crate?
No mail for me. (giggles)

Basement - Luncheonette

After visiting the store we headed to the lower level and picked out lunch. A ham sandwich, red beet egg, and ham and bean soup.
During lunch we chatted with Emily, Grace, [another one ;-)] and their mom. Very nice people, so friendly and fun!


These are the cookies we wanted. Springerle cookies. 
The recipe is ancient and there is a special rolling pin just for making them. If you google springerle you'll get a ton of recipes. We suggest you stay away from Martha Stewart's version. She makes it sound extremely complicated. This blog seemed better.
Gramma Enne would not like these they are an egg white based cookie flavored with anise. 

We also picked up some potato candy.
It wasn't quite as good as the batches made during festival in August.

If you are in our area, Christmas Market is the first weekend of December. It's a lot of fun!

What was your favorite photo from my trip?

À bientôt!



  1. My favorite pic was the Phil diorama! Looks like a fun place to go shopping though, always fun to help support small business.

    1. I really wish I had gotten a full shot of that one. The beaver on top was hysterical. And the tree with gnaw marks...

  2. Replies
    1. Yes, you have to come up again! It changes a bit every year!
