
Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Maine Fall 2016 2

Maine and New Hampshire

Sunday morning we grabbed a small breakfast from the lodge and headed south to Mayberry Farms. We switched cars and headed over the mountains to New Hampshire!

Clark's Trading Post

It didn't seem to take long at all to get Clark's Trading Post. The car ride was really nice and we arrived in no time. Except they said it was two hours. Didn't feel like that at all.

We got our tickets and headed inside. First thing I did - ride a bear! Yay! I love bears!
This one was more my size.

Then we saw the real bears! The are AWESOME!

After the bear show we rode the train. Another beautiful line. The creeks are really rocky from ancient glacier deposits.
The Wolfman chased the train. He was funny!
We got a photo of the covered bridge after the ride. It's HUGE!

Then we wandered through the different exhibits. This typewriter caught my attention right away!
The Moxie and Necco cool!

I wanted to ride a segue, but wasn't tall enough. There were water rides too, but it was cold. Actually, our weather now in October feels like it did that day in September. (giggles) 50s with strong breezes.

We didn't have any apple crisp, but I loved this sign and had to pose with it.

The morning and afternoon passed quickly and we had a fabulous time at Clark's Trading Post, but we had to head back to Maine. We had a really good dinner and then went for ice cream. 

Day 3

Heading South and Home

The sunrise is gorgeous on the farm!

We started the day with homemade chocolate chip muffins and juice!

Saying good bye isn't fun. We had a great time!

Oh, hey! Did you notice I brought Bonbon with me. Grace told me I should take her to meet Jezzie and Sophie. They loved each other.

Did you know farmhouses in New England - especially Maine and further north - are designed with a connecting hallway to the barn? That way you don't have to go outside in the harsh winter weather to get barn chores done.

Do you see how they connect as one big building? It's a really great idea!

On the highway home.

I had a wonderful time in Maine. Have you ever visited the state? What is your favorite state to visit on vacation? What's your favorite photo?

So glad you stopped. Come again soon!


Clark's Facebook


  1. I've never been to Maine, but I think it would be fun to go there! That little bear Kaya posed by is so cute!!
    ~Christian Homeschooler

    1. The bears at clark's were really cool. I hope you get to New Hampshire and Maine sometime. Very beautiful.
