
Friday, August 26, 2016

Green Thumb Endeavors Update 4


Hi! I went out for a turn at watering. The petunia is very pretty. I got to the tomato we planted and replanted. It's huge! Taller than I am.
Then I saw them...little green tomatoes! Here.
And here.
And here.
And here...Whoa! There's more over there.
Looking forward to these when they are ready!

I love a really good tomato sandwich with a little bit of mayonnaise on wheat bread. But it doesn't work with store bought. Selfie Time!
Do you like tomatoes? What is your favorite way to eat them? 

Tchau. Ate mais tarde!


  1. I totally agree with you about tomatoes, the ones from the store are like tomato flavored Styrofoam. My favorite way to eat them is as a caprese salad.

    1. Will have to remember that when they ripen. We like caprese salad.
