
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

LORI Horse Review

American Quarter Horse

Hi! This season's offerings from LORI move from the ballet studio to the equestrian ring. Perfect timing right around the Olympics too. Did you see any of the dressage or jumping competition? It was cool!

The other day I was in Target and found one lone horse in the LORI section. Very pretty too. At first glance I thought it was a palomino, but the box has it listed as an American Quarter Horse. The horses run $9.99 in our area. There was also a 10% off purchases that day.

The horse comes in the standard pink and white LORI box. 
The story is on the side panel and the back shows this horse with a possible rider as well as a list of what is included. 1 horse, 1 bridle, 1 saddle, 1 spray bottle, 1 hook, 1 scraper, 2 saddle blankets.

The horse comes out of the outer box easily and is attached securely to the pink brick inner packaging. 

That's when the fun begins. 
The large tie wrap is around the horse's middle, then there are three smaller wraps around the hooves (the third is hiding on the bottom). And all that lovely tape. The small accessories are encapsulated in a plastic shell.

The worst part is the mane. It was difficult to release it from the sewn on plastic. But not impossible.

The tail is secured with two clear plastic bands. One up high and the other by the hoof. 
The mane and tail are very silky and smooth. You can see the gap where the tale is attached to the body.

There is a line for the mane.
The way it is attached you can not easily shift the mane to fall on the other side of the horse.

Here we are - out and free! It takes a bit of patience to get the horse to stand, but it will. 

I took the saddle and blankets off. You can see the body is hard, molded plastic.
The blankets are attached together by one stitch. I like that, you are less likely to lose a piece. I did not take the bridle off, because it was not moving easily and I didn't want to tear the plastic.

This close up of the blanket you can see the stitch in the upper right corner. 
If you have OCD, you might be getting out the shears to trim the "shearling" blanket a bit.

Rebecca volunteered to meet our new horse first. 
She looks so much like Butterbrandy that we've decided to call her Butterbeer- BB for short.

First try mounting was a bit awkward.

Rebecca straightened up in the saddle. I couldn't get the reins in her hands though.

After the ride, Rebecca decided to clean BB up a bit.
She can hold the bottle, but not the scraper or hook.

To get an idea of how BB will fit in your corral...another new member to our barn sauntered into the photo...
Steps High.  (Shhh, Kaya hasn't officially met her yet. Nonna found her second hand for us and she is beautiful!)

BB is a very nice horse. I would like her to stand on her own better, but that can be worked around. I do have her stored lying on her side though. 

The other oddity is the scale. I feel this way about the AG horses as well. The girls are supposed to be anywhere from 8 - 12 years old, yet when standing next to the horse, they are taller. So these must really be ponies not true horses. Those are my only negative observations. 

Overall, I give the LORI horse 4 out of 5 stars. I see great play value from this item especially if you love horses.

Best wishes,

Note: Tea Time with Melody Q is not affiliated with American Girl or LORI or Target. All items shown are from our own collection.  The item reviewed was purchased for our collection with our own funds. The review is unsolicited and comprised of our own opinions, thoughts, and words. No links are provided as the new line does not appear on the LORI site as of yet. If you are interested in learning more about the line check No purchase is required or suggested to enjoy this post.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

National Dog Day 2016

We're Late

August 25 was National Dog Day. Of course, our pack decided better late than never. So we have a greeting from them and a Who Sports It Best.


Happy Belated National Dog Day from our pack to yours!

Who Sports it Best

Recently the Sporty Pet Outfit went on sale, so we picked it up. We thought it would be best for Meatloaf and his outings...
Then the other pups his size got in on the action.
The outfit includes a hoodie that Velcros shut along the tummy.
A visor with Woof on it.
And a newspaper toy.






Who do you think sports it best?

Funny Funny

Tatlo sniffed the set and turned away, but we were able to get a shot of him wearing the visor.
Then Pyewacket got in on the fun.

Hope you had a great National Dog Day!

Best wishes,

Note: Tea Time with Melody Q is not affiliated with American Girl. The outfit mentioned above was purchased for our collection with our own funds. All links provided are for educational and informative purposes only. No purchase is required or suggested.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Green Thumb Endeavors Update 4


Hi! I went out for a turn at watering. The petunia is very pretty. I got to the tomato we planted and replanted. It's huge! Taller than I am.
Then I saw them...little green tomatoes! Here.
And here.
And here.
And here...Whoa! There's more over there.
Looking forward to these when they are ready!

I love a really good tomato sandwich with a little bit of mayonnaise on wheat bread. But it doesn't work with store bought. Selfie Time!
Do you like tomatoes? What is your favorite way to eat them? 

Tchau. Ate mais tarde!

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Giveaway Alert: MDC

Giveaway - Last Call!

Nonna from Mommy's Doll Club is having a giveaway to celebrate her1000th post to Dollation.

What Could it Be?

Who has mini dolls in their collection? 
Now, do you have any mini boys
Ah, there it is! 
The LORI line's fall release includes an equestrian theme, horses, and boys! 
Or a boy. The giveaway is for an Evan doll. 
He's cute, right?
Of course, Evan could also be restyled to be a girl with a pixie cut. 
Head over to Mommy's Doll Club for all the details and to enter. But the deadline is tonight (Wednesday, August 17, 2016), so go quickly.
While you're at it, check out Dollation too.
It's a neat and informative site!

Best wishes!