
Tuesday, July 19, 2016

The Great Doll Blog Award

The Great Doll Bog Award

Back in May Treasured Friendships with a Flair nominated Tea Time with Melody Q for The Great Doll Blog award. We were very flattered. It's always nice to know your followers enjoy reading your posts and appreciate the work that goes into it. We are finally catching up (sort of) and wanted to take a few minutes to get it done and pass it along.

Thank you Christian H. for nominating us!


  • Thank the person who nominated you.
  • Answer the questions given to you.
  • Nominate five (5) others who you think have great doll blogs.
  • Notify them that they have an award.
  • Leave them five (5) new questions to answer.

Questions for Us

1. What is one of your favorite things you've ever made for your dolls?
Our Camp Doll Diaries 2013 cabin.

2. What are your top two favorite doll brands?
American Girl and LORI

3. What is your favorite doll related activity?
Designing new outfits from our current wardrobe and photo shoots.
Book and tea reviews are favorites.

4. What inspired you to start a doll blog?
A dear friend's niece's doll blog.

5. Which do you enjoy more: writing for your blog or taking pictures for your blog?
It's a tie; I enjoy doing both. Sometimes conditions makes taking pictures 
extra challenging though. Then it's definitely the writing. :-D


American Girl #1 Fans
AG Doll Play
American Girl Place
A Teenager's Dollhouse
The Fellowship of the Dolls

Questions for Our Nominees

  1. What is your favorite doll find?
  2. Have you decorated rooms for your dolls?
  3. Of your many dolls; who is your go to when you need to put together a quick post and photo shoot?
  4. Do you plan and schedule your posts?
  5. What is your favorite doll food?
Thank you, again, Christian H.! (CH, Feel free to answer our questions in the comments section. ;-) )

Best wishes,