
Thursday, July 21, 2016

Page Update 2016

Blogs We Visit

Grace, Lanie, Lea, Melody, 2 or more

Doing Research

Okay, I've got the list.
I've got a laptop.
Me too.
I'm ready to take notes.

Working Outside

Okay, so here's the plan. We visit each link and if there is a post this year it stays. Posts in 2015 get moved to another part of the page. 2014 and earlier get deleted.
Yeah, that makes sense.
Not founds are immediately.
Right! Let's get started.

[Melody and Lanie report on links]

I think we have Sabine on the list twice.
You're right. I'll keep the link with the current title.
Another duplicate...and inactive too.
It's sad to say goodbye to these.
Yeah, but blogs are always coming and going.
And some writers get burned out.
Others have life changes that take more time.
New ones pop up too.
Yes, it's fun to see new ones; but also great to visit with old friends.
Don't forget to switch Bess to wordpress.
Got it.
And add Dolls of Texas.
Got that too.
We also have to add Clara, Faking it, Happy House, My Journey, and Small Dolls.

[More searching, typing, writing]

Only took 6 months.

When you have a chance check out the updated page. If you know we follow you and don't see your blog on the list, please forgive us and leave a comment below.

Best wishes,


  1. I love how Lanie,Lea, Grace, and You Melody are doing research on your lawn. I have a HP laptop and my dolls share a old iPAD Mini .What types of computers doo you use, Melody? - Muffins4sale

    1. All the computers I use are Dell. However, the girls have a mac laptop, the OG laptop, and Lanie's. Lanie couldn't find hers though and grabbed the OG one to help out with this project.

  2. Aww, thanks for adding us! :) We need to have one of these on our blog. We follow so many different bloggers! :) I love that you made it into a photo story for the dolls. So cute!

    ginnie /

    1. You're welcome. :) Inspiration is everywhere.
