
Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Book Series Faux Pas

A Revelation and Apology

Hi! By now you know we love to read and review books. You also know we are members of quite a few fandoms. 
Last year a friend brought to our attention that we might be making a few people annoyed by referring to a book series by a shortened name. The main reason we do that is because we, personally, do not like our post titles to wrap. Plus the links get really long.

Today we were reading a New York Times article about JK Rowling. The journalist interviewed another author that Xyra has read and mentioned two of her book series. One was not right. We heard her mutter," It's The Wolves of Mercy Falls not just Shiver." 

So now we completely understand how irritating it can be and are sorry we made this book reviewing faux pas; please forgive us.

Now we have a dilemma.  We've finished The Titan's Curse recently and will be reviewing it soon. We'd like the post title to be obvious to all, but not annoying to others; and to connect easily when looking in the archive. What do we use when reviewing the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series by Rick Riordan? 

Please help. Leave your ideas in a comment.

Best wishes,


  1. Modern Greek Goodness. Wait until you get to the next 5 book series and now the new one in the franchise. Yes I have and read all 11 books so far plus the additions.

    1. We are really looking forward to the new Magnus Chase series, especially Kirsten - those Norse gods belong to Sweden too. :-D

  2. I think it's ok to use the shortened name in your post title. You can mention the entire series name within your post.

    1. Thank you, we do mention the full and proper title in the post and that should be visible for those who receive email notifications of new posts.

  3. hmmmm... I'm not sure what to suggest. I guess I prefer complete titles. If they wrap I click on them to see the whole thing.
