
Friday, May 20, 2016

Rally for Marissa

Send Healing Vibes

A friend of Xyra's knows Marissa, a little girl who has recently been diagnosed with leukemia. She sent out a plea and we want to pass it along.


This precious little one is the niece of a co-worker of mine. She was diagnosed with Leukemia this past Friday. She is currently at CHOP going through treatments. Cancer stinks & when you see little ones have to endure it... It's just even harder to accept....
Let's do something FUN for this cutie pie. ORANGE is the color for at my work and a lot of other people thought it would be fun to WEAR ORANGE THIS FRIDAY to show Marissa how much she is loved.
Ok to all my FB buddies wear Orange on Friday and maybe even post a picture saying Rally for Marissa.
Let's have FB painted ORANGE for her. Please keep her & her family in your prayers for the journey ahead of them. Thanks everyone...😘😊👍


She has a friend with her to help keep her company. Tea Time with Melody Q would love to see the doll community show it's support today too. Sorry for the last minute notice. So if you have orange in your doll wardrobe please dig it out. Dress to impress, draw a quick support sign, take a photo, and post tagged #RallyforMarissa. I'm hoping she will be able to see our support as well.

Spread the love and best wishes!



  1. Oh gosh, that's a terrible! I will definitely keep Marissa in my prayers.:)

  2. I have nominated you for the Text Tag on my blog :)
