
Friday, March 11, 2016

Tea Week Friday

Friday Finale

Melody, Kaya, both

Well, since our blog is mostly about tea, every week is tea week and there really is no finale.
We had fun coming up with ways to make our theme a stronger thread this week. Will have to do that more often.

Bring on Today

Hey, Mel, what are you doing?
I wanted to try out the new laptop. Since its Mac...
What have you found?
It's different, but we'll get used to using this one like we did the others. 
No, (giggles) I mean found online.
Oh. (giggles) I'm on the Capital Teas site. 
Check it out; here's the Starry Night blend.
Hey, this is neat! 
They have a War of  1812 Commemorative tea blend.
Caroline fans would love that.
Listen to the description, "A visual masterpiece and culinary blend that incorporates both the colors of the Star-Spangled Banner and the Flag of Maryland with a slight, sweet smokiness; this tea aptly celebrates the land of the free and the home of the brave. A perfect blend of smoky black and earthy green teas with apple pieces, dragonfruit, blackberry, orange, gojiberry, strawberry and papaya, along with eucalyptus, lemongrass and nettle leaves, carrot flake, cornflower..."
That's the blue.
Mmm hmm, "and marigold blossoms.  A stunning tea either hot or iced that serves as a tribute to the War of 1812." Wow!
Yeah! There is a lot going on in that blend.
We'll have to ask Xyra if she'll order some.
Let's check out the other teas too.
Thank you for the awesome laptop, Nonna!

In Other News

Today is Middle Name Pride Day.
There is a day for everything.
Well, let's see, I'm out of this one.
Oh, true.
It's okay. I like being unique.
We do have unique middle names. Quinn, Larson, Holland...
Rose, Thomasina, and Clark.

Do you have a middle name? Enjoy it!
If you don't, give yourself a middle name today. :)

Best wishes! Come again soon!

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