
Friday, March 25, 2016

Swedish Waffles Day 2016

Happy Vaffeldagen!

Hi! March 25 is Swedish Waffles Day or Vaffeldagen. I haven't figured out special letters yet, there is an accent missing from over the "a." A single circle. 

March 25 actually started out as a Christian holiday called Lady Day or Varfrudagen, also missing the accent over the A. There is a theory that a misunderstanding lead to the change; a very tasty one.

Xyra usually makes waffles using the bisquick recipe. And we also eat frozen ones. Today we tried the recipe from the Visit Sweden website. Took three tries, they're really crisp as noted in the recipe. (giggles)

These are from the second try. 
They look good on this side. (giggles) But hey, it's fun to try new recipes.

Typical toppings include blueberry-raspberry or cloudberry jam and lightly whipped cream. No, butter is not needed on these. 
We have the whipped cream, black raspberry jam, and fresh blueberries on ours.

Super tasty! Yeah, the others are going to share these. :)

What do you like on your waffles?

Do you celebrate any traditions from your heritage?

Stop again soon! Have a nice day!




  1. Ahhh looks so yummy! I love waffles - so much better than pancakes ;)

    Ellie | The Dolls of 221B

  2. Look yummy. Love the berry topping and whipped cream. We often top our waffles with strawberries and whipped cream. Ours are Bisquick though and maybe not as crispy. Made from scratch are often better tasting.

    1. We love strawberries and whipped cream on waffles.
