
Monday, March 28, 2016

Lovely Day with Treats

Lea Recaps Easter

Hey, everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend. Ours was really nice. Like Nancy Drew, we "attended services." And, boy, did we?! Xyra sings in the choir and the choir sang at the 7:45 AM AND 10:15 AM services! Between the two was a potluck breakfast and intergenerational Sunday school event. We got treats.
During the second service there was a puppet show that talked about Easter. It was funny.
Then off to lunch with Xyra's family. Lots of yummy foods and for dessert...make-your-own fruit pizza! So cool!

After lunch we headed to Nana Kestrel's for dinner. Again, lots of great food. Different things too, so we can mix and match our leftovers. (giggles)

Nana Kestrel sent this great basket home for all of us to share, even Xyra and Franz. 
I think I want to try the mystery-flavor peeps.
I'm frightened of the mystery flavor peeps. (laughs) Wasn't fond of the strawberry or orange ones all that much and I knew what I should be tasting.
I want to see the chick in motion.

What is your favorite Easter treat? Can be a gift or food. 



  1. Sounds like a good celebration! So funny that there was fruit pizza, I was just thinking about that over the weekend. Perhaps it's a sign I need to make it???

    Favorite Easter Candy: Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs. I'm not sure what they do different to them than regular Reese's cups, but they are so good. When Mr. Flo and I first started dating, he bought me a whole display box full of them for Easter!

    1. Perhaps it is. :)

      Too funny about the Reese's - you like the eggs better and I prefer the cups. As you said, not sure what they do to make them different, but they are.
