
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Mini Adventure #14

End of the Holidays

Or Unique Dancing Partner

Felicity, Holly, Madeline, Rebecca, Tama, 2 or more

Looks like someone forgot to put the ornaments away.
The shiny ones remind me of garden gazing globes...(sighs) and spring.
60 days until spring now.
That's not long at all.
No. It's not.
Let's clean these up.
Sure thing. I'll help.
Hey! Who's that?
He's cute. (giggles)
Not sure, but he can dance well. 

[Note: Total days from January 19, 2016 to see an update click here.]

Have you put away your Christmas decorations? 

Best wishes,


  1. So cute! We haven't taken down any of our Christmas decorations, but we will this weekend. :)
    ~Christian Homeschooler

  2. idea for next episode: mini dolls and big dolls watching be my valentine, charlie brown, with all dolls wearing tees that has snoopy holding a candle on it.

    1. Hmm, that's a lot of shirts. :) Cute idea though. might be able to accomplish 1/2 of that idea.

  3. Just finished yesterday 😓. 10 months until I can get them out again (weekend before Thanksgiving).
