
Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year 2016 2

Hello, Again!

More Greetings

Grace, Haley, Kaya, Kirsten, Lanie, Melody, 2 or more
Now that we're all awake and moving around, we wanted to wish you Happy New Year again. 
I didn't sleep in my dress, just wanted to wear it again.
New Year's Day is an anything goes day here.
I'm staying in pajamas.
We start the day with Pillsbury cinnamon buns.
And watch the Tournament of Roses Parade.
Then anything goes. This year we're watching the Citrus Bowl.
Lunch was cheese, crackers, salami, proscuitto rolls, apples, pretzels with mustard dip.
Dinner will be pork and sauerkraut. Xyra has that in the crockpot.
We put together my Monster High puzzle.
Was kind of a challenge...(giggling)
Yeah, there were three duplicate pieces.
I love Ghoulia Yelps!
She's cool, but Frankie is the best.
But Robecca Steam...
Catty Noir.

What do you do on New Year's Day? Do you have any traditional foods you eat? Who's your favorite Monster high character?

Thank you for a great 2015; we hope 2016 will be wonderful too.

Best wishes,


  1. Happy New Year! I put yoga pants on today... That was getting dressed. Loved the Downton Abbey float!

    1. The Downton Abbey float was really really cool! All the detail to make a smaller version of the manor. Wow!

  2. Happy New Year! We relaxed and watched TV most of the day. And pork and sauerkraut in our crock pot too! We had ours with mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce.

    1. Love cranberry sauce! But we usually have applesauce with pork and sauerkraut. Missed that this year.
