Changes and Catching Up
Hi! We had snow last night and today it is pretty wintry outside. Perfect for reading blogs or thinking about how to make changes to ours. One of the changes we plan to make is to move awards to their own page. Then we realized we had a few questions left unanswered. We are so very sorry about that.
Shout Outs
The following wonderful bloggers nominated us for the Blogger Recognition Award:- Ginny and June of Small town American Girlz
- Jessica from My World
What's Supposed to Happen
- Tell how your blog got started and give a bit of advice to new bloggers.
- Nominate bloggers to receive the award and notify them on their blog. No tag backs. (Sorry to the creator I am only nominating 6 bloggers.)
- Post the Award, add it to your blog, and link back to original. (You can grab the picture by right clicking and saving as.)
Blog Inspiration
Two things happened. Way back in the mid 2000s I started taking photos of Melody in the different outfits I had for her. Would print the photos and paste them in a little photo album. The fashion project was going along pretty well. Then in January of 2013 a dear friend shared a link with me to her niece's new doll blog. It was adorable! And she inspired me to put those fashion project photos to new use, but what twist could be added? How about the love of tea? It just grew from there.
Advice to New Bloggers
Others have given the same or similar advice, but good advice is worth repeating.- First and foremost be true to you. Create your blog doing the things you like to do. I'm not crafty, so you won't find many DIY posts here, but if you're interested in learning about tea and the different blends out there you'll probably like our tea reviews.
- Next moderate your comments. It might seem like a hassle, but it's easier to weed out spam and disrespectful people before it hits your blog.
- Do not share personal information in your blog. Some of the awards and surveys ask questions that seem innocent, but could inadvertently give information to unsavory characters. Remember you blog is in the public domain and anyone can read it.
- Don't copy someone else's post, photos, or ideas without asking the originator first. See our post entitled Fashion Beep-Beep as an example.
- Keep your models tidy. I've been guilty of less than tidy hair recently. As you're taking your photos make sure clothes are smooth and straight, hair is combed, glasses straight, etc.
- Avoid the upskirt photo. If your models are sitting choose an angle looking down instead of straight ahead. If standing and using an angle from below bring the camera to a point where you can't see up the skirt or shorts pant leg.
- Finally, be true to you! Yes, I'm repeating this because it is important. Create posts that you have fun making. Post when your schedule allows (doesn't have to be daily). Just have a good time sharing your ideas with your followers.
Who do I nominate?
Oh My DolliesDoll World
Spreading My Joy
The Dolls Between Us
The Dolls of Texas
Lissy and Lily
Best wishes to all! Have a great day!
Thank you very much for the nomination! I no longer do awards on my blog Spreading My Joy but I would love to do the award on my peronal blog :
ReplyDeleteIs that alright?
Allie D.
Sounds like a good plan. Please do.