
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Shop Small 2015 Part 1

ArtFusion 19464

Melody, Kaya, Kit

18" Section

Wow, Melody, I see why you like coming here.
Isn't it great. I'm going to see if Kit is on duty upstairs.

Hi, Kit! How are you doing?
Hey, Melody! Long time no see. I'm great. How are you?
Doing well thanks.
Great outfit by the way. Love the boots.
Thanks, the boots are from The Queen's Treasures. The wrap you're holding looks toasty.
It is. I'm trying to put it back on the hanger. Someone tried it on and left it.
Oh, hey, my sister Kaya is with me today.

Hi, Kaya! I'm Kit.
Nice to meet you, Kit.
What are you out doing today?
We were looking for a few unique gifts for friends, Xyra suggested we come here to ArtFusion 19464.
Cool! I bet you find a lot!
Have a great day!
Have fun shopping!

Kaya, check out this holiday dress.
I love the colors and patterns.

Isn't this set great?
Oh, look at the artist's initials...Lady Vanyer made these.

Cute lederhosen.
Good color combination.
Good price. Hey, the artist who made our kimono, Scottish kilt, and  Kirsten's St. Lucia gown made it. 

Let's go take a look at some of the other displays.
Sure thing.

Around the Gallery

The birdhouse reminds me of Nana Kestrel.
Yeah! The barn drawing too.

Knitted items. Perfect for the coming winter.

Pretty jewelry.

This drawing is entrancing.

Now this are makes me think of Gramma Enne. don't you think so, Melody?
Oooo, look at that wonderful painting!
I could look at it all day.

Ornaments! I can't wait to start decorating the tree at home.
It's still early, but we'll get to it soon.
I'm glad you asked me to come along today. I see why you like to visit it.

Do you have any favorite local shops or galleries?

Best wishes,



  1. The lederhosen are too cute, I agree, perfect colors. There is a place near here that I need to check out, every time I drive past it I think I should stop. There used to be a fun place near where I worked that was mostly local artisans, but it has since closed.

  2. Loved the Christmas dress and lederhosen. Hope you bought a few items. Melody looks great in her new glasses.
