
Monday, December 21, 2015

Day 19 Lego Calendar

Ever Closer to the Goal

Hi! Saturday was blustery and cold here. We were toasty inside, but Xyra had to go out and run a few errands. She came home with a great haircut. We're not allowed on the computer unless she's around, so all posting had to wait. So let's catch up!

Opening the Door

Door 19 is the last to open on this side of the calendar. 
Let's see what treasure it holds.
Oh, hockey equipment. Nice!

Quite a few pieces, but not too difficult.
Done. They gave us two "pucks" and two flowers. I used them all. 

[Sorry, a bit blurry on these photos.]
Check it out! The first three rows are open and built. Can't wait to see what comes next!

Let's sing a song, shall we? I'll start. Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way...
Comment with the first line from your favorite Christmas song.

So glad you stopped. Come again Soon!


  1. "You better not pout, you better not cry..." best sung by Bruce Springsteen! Love those little hockey sticks.

    1. That is a good version! We like the Pointer Sisters too.
