
Thursday, December 17, 2015

Day 17 Lego Calendar

A Better Build?

Hi! It's my turn again. Well, we think it is; Xyra can't find the list. In fact, she can't find her little blue notebook either. I hope she finds it soon. I volunteered to check behind door number 17. I hope it's something a little more fun than last time.
What are you hiding door 17?
Oooo, NICE! I like this one. Looks like benches and a fire pit.
Lots of pieces in this bag.
I've got them all sorted. Looks like an extra flame for the fire.
Benches are done.
I think Andrea and Liza should sit by the fire. 

Time to put the fire area away. You may wonder why we put the items back in the calendar after building them. Well, these are really attractive to curious kitties and we don't want them to end up in the cat toy version of the Bermuda Triangle. You know?
Oh, hey! There are only 7 doors left to open! Wow, and a lot to do yet before Christmas. Are you ready?

Have a great day!

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