
Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Day 15 Lego Calendar

Less than 10 Doors to Open

Fifteen or Quinze

In French fifteen is quinze and sounds very similar to cans. We're studying some basic French in school right now. We rotate through the year with Spanish, French, and German. It's fun to learn the different languages.

Door fifteen is over on this side of the box. 
I hope it's something good.
Well, it looks like something tasty. :)
I'm thinking hot chocolate with whipped cream.
Not a big build, but not bad.
Looks like extra pieces for the whipped cream. 
Too cute.
You know, Liza and Andrea could use something to drink. 
Or like Sheldon would say, "A hot beverage." Although, he usually makes tea when he says that on The Big Bang Theory. 

Thank you for stopping by today. Hope to see you again tomorrow. Abientot!


  1. Those are so cute! LOL @ Sheldon and his "hot beverage".

    1. I know, right?! When you go to the Lego store, there is a "make your own mini figure" station. You get to pick a body, legs, head, hair/hat, and accessory - I chose mugs for the accessory. :)
