
Friday, November 6, 2015

Tea Review: Bingley's Longbourn Wedding

Bingley's Teas: Jane Austen Tea Series

Kaya'aton'my', Kirsten, Lanie, 2 or more

Longbourn Wedding Tea

We've been eager to try the Longbourn Wedding tea
But wanted to have a proper setting and Lanie decided to help us.
This is the last tea from our Pride and Prejudice Anniversary Notions Sampler.
The sampler provides small amounts of 4 Jane Austen teas. Miss Elizabeth Bennett is now called Lizzie Bennet's Wit. We reviewed Lizzie first; way back in December. Mr. Darcy's Pride is an oolong blend. We reviewed it in January. 
Sweet Jane Bennet is a vanilla ceylon and jasmine blend. We reviewed it in February.

Each blend comes in a sealed foil package.
I love the description for this tea, "Champagne and rose buds veiled in silver needle white tea."
Our first taste of champagne.

The Tea Room

Good morning. My name is Kirsten and I'll be your server today. May I get you something to drink?
Why yes. I've been looking at the menu and would like the Longbourn Wedding tea.
Very good.

Back in the Kitchen

One Longbourn Wedding Tea!
I've put some tea in the infuser. It looks lovely. Can you see the tiny rose buds?
Neat! I think we should see this one dance. Maybe the buds will unfold.
Okay. Bye bye infuser.
According to the package, white tea should steep no longer than 3 minutes.
Timer set!
Water added...ohhh...look! It's lovely!
What do you think we should try?
Hmmm, white tea is very delicate. No sugar in the raw or flavored honey. I think we should try it with white sugar then raw honey.
(timer sounds)
It smells wonderful!
I agree! It didn't get much darker than when we first poured the water.
No, white tea stays very light.
Oops! I have some leaves in my cup.
We can read them later.

First Sip: Plain
Light, delicate flavor.
But not too delicate. Nice floral
I like this a lot. Just a bit fruity too.

Second Sip: White sugar
Now for a bit of sugar...
Sweet, but not too sweet.
No, it's just right.

Third Sip: Honey
This time...honey. 
No, no, no! Honey is horrible!
Wow! It really overpowers the tea. Not good!
Take the honey jar and cream pitcher off the tea tray.
Right. White tea does not take milk or cream.

Back to the Tea Room
(Kirsten takes tray to table)
Your tea, miss. I can suggest drinking it plain or with a touch of white sugar.
Thank you. I'll have it plain first.
This is quite lovely. Yes, I think I'll keep it plain.

Curtain Call

We hope this review was helpful.
Just to recap, white tea should be steeped in less than boiling water for no more than 3 minutes.
Honey and raw and brown sugars will overpower the tea.
Leave your milk or cream in the fridge - white tea can't take it either.

Xyra's Notes
  • Longbourn Wedding tea has a delicate floral and fruity flavor...very delicate.
  • The website notes "This tea is capable of more than one infusion." To date we have not tried that.
  • Of the four we tried, this is my favorite.

Have you ever tried white tea?

Happy sipping!

Note:  Tea Time with Melody Q is not affiliated with American Girl or Bingley's Teas. We met representatives of Bingley's Teas at the Philly Coffee and Tea Festival 2014 where we purchased the Pride and Prejudice Anniversary Notions Sampler. The review is unsolicited and comprised of our own words and honest thoughts. All links are provided for educational and informative purposes. No purchase is required. However, if you are so inclined, the links will make it easier to find this particular tea blend.



  1. Very interesting about the sweeteners and milk! I just love the name of the tea, so creative. The others in this group were fun, but this one is off the chart.

    1. The Jane Austen series teas have really neat names. We want to try Dashing Willoughby, Lydia Has More Fun, and Marianne's Wild Abandon. Don't they sound great?
