
Monday, October 12, 2015

Native American Day 2015

Celebrating the First Nations

Hi! Today, we are joining Indigenous People across the county to celebrate my Nimiipuu (or Nimipu depending on the source or Nez Perce) heritage. Xyra and my sisters have nothing but love and a deep respect for Native Americans - always trying to learn about the different cultures and traditions. I'm going to share a few links with you later so you can learn a bit more too.

Right now I want to share some of my fashions and regalia with you.

Lanie and Haley are holding up historical outfits. These represent dresses my ancestors might have worn. (Original Meet and Adorned Deerskin Outfit)
Native Americans knew how to live in harmony with their homelands. When they hunted to provide food, they also were gathering the materials to make tools, clothes, and much more.

Melody and Kirsten are holding dresses a Buckskin dancer might wear. Buckskin is the oldest style of women's dance at a Pow Wow. (Dance Dress of Today and Pow-Wow Dress of Today II)
I like to wear the white one on holidays to represent purity of heart and spirit.

Lanie and Haley are holding the newest addition to my collection a Fancy Shawl dress. So very pretty.
I love that the shawl is truly embroidered (machine) not ironed on. Fancy Shawl dancing is the newest style of women's dance. (Modern Fancy Shawl outfit)
The moccasins are different, I like my tied moccasins better, but look forward to trying these out. 
The hair ties are nice, the colors used will work with each regalia dress. I do wish they were either machine embroidered or woven to be stiffer. (Pow-Wow Hair Set of Today)

Look for me to wear the Fancy Shawl dress on Veterans' Day to honor all the service men and women - especially the Native Americans - who work to protect our country. 

Autumn is a great time of year to experience a pow wow, so many grand ones happening. Check the calendar to find one in your area. Don't forget to check out the visitors and etiquette guides before you go. Much need to know information there!

Another interesting item about regalia. The dresses above were made for me; that's why I wear them for special occasions. However, true regalia is a work of art and represents the dancer's life journey. They are personal, handmade, and include items that represent the person and their interests, so the outfit is never really finished. 

What do I wear normally? Anything I want to. Today is a polo shirt and khaki cargo capris, but I wear all colors and all styles of modern dress. Sometimes I feel punk or goth; other days preppy or casual; I love my lacrosse uniform so there are days I'm sporty or boho or girly. Of course, sometimes I feel like grunge is the way to go or rocker. People are people and can wear whatever fits their personality or mood best.

Why do I keep my hair braided? Have you see how long it is? I love how long my hair is; it's beautiful and thick. However, when it's unbraided I tend to sit on it, that's not pleasant. And if it's windy...knots. Ugh! Takes for-ev-er to comb any knots out of my hair. So I keep it braided. 


I mentioned links. Some I added into the body of the post. But here is a full list. Enjoy!
Nez Perce Fact Sheet
Nez Perce Official site Nez Perce
Pow Wow Visitor Guide
Pow Wow Visitor Etiquette
Pow Wow Calendar
Pow Wow Dancing
Native American Images

I'm certain I have made a mistake here somewhere, please be forgiving; we're writing with pure intentions. 

I hope you have a great time celebrating Native American Day or First Nations Day or Indigenous Peoples Day.

Much love,


  1. Loved this, I'm putting up a post later on for native american day too! Can you do a review on the deerskin dress?

    1. hi, Izzy! Thank you for stopping. We liked reading your Dolls of the Fort post and are looking forward to the next installment.

      There is a brief review and photo shoot of the Adorned Deerskin outfit in the archives - September 2014. We'll also give you the link.

    2. Thanks, I'll go check out that post right now, and I'm glad you enjoyed mine!

  2. Beautiful outfits and very interesting! I hope all of you had a terrific day.

    1. Thank you. I do love my wardrobe. :) We had a nice day, even had some finger cakes.

  3. Hi Kaya!

    My friends April and Wendy are half Cherokee on their mother's side, but they really don't do a whole lot of things to do w/ being Cherokee. But their mom did bring some jewelry and a pretty beaded headband and belt for the girls to share at school.

    1. Hi, Julie Ann!
      Glad you stopped by. I bet the jewelry, headband and belt were really pretty. It's nice you got to see the workmanship up close.
