
Monday, October 19, 2015

Coolspring 2015 Fall Expo 1

Day One

Hi! Haley really was feeling much better by Thursday morning, but the weather report included lows in the 20s and 30s as well as wind, rain, and possibly snow. So she decided it would be best to wait for June. The cool part was I could just grab the bag she packed - sharing clothes is awesome. I did change out her bear for a horse, but other than that everything she packed was perfect. Xyra did mention she needs us to help devise a better seasonal storage system since we couldn't find any of our mittens. Now on to the fun part!

Heading out

It was still dark when we left, but later than first discussed. Worked out well though w missed the pre-dawn running of the deer. Others we saw were not so lucky. Poor deer. 

We watched the sunrise on our way and it was fully up by the time we hit the Pocono exit of the turnpike. Got a nasty surprise - the Wawa where we usually pit stop was under renovation. So we headed to McDonald's instead.

Overall the ride went quickly and we arrived at the Coolspring Power Museum around 10:30 am.


First item of business was to set up the tent. We took our time and made everything neat and tidy.
This is my area. Yeah, I brought the night light pillow too.
Then we met our new neighbor, Ellie. Isn't she adorable?


It was nice enough to walk around in just a sweatshirt. We headed up to the main entrance and tried a few angles with the 2016 schedule

Mark your calendars - we could have a meet up.

Gift Shop

While the crowds were down I took a peak in the gift shop. They have some cute things and Xyra heard that new things are on order for next year. 

The nice ladies in the gift shop gave me a sticker for my shirt. I like it; made me look more official. You'll see it in the next few photos.

Around the Grounds

The museum field is surrounded by trees. They are so gorgeous this time of year! Ours are getting to this point, but haven't quite reached it yet.

The sun kept coming and going. Here's one I took from the door of the Power Tech Annex.
Then we went down toward Sudlow Station. I stopped to look at this Fairbanks Morse engine running a well pump. I think oil, but am not completely certain.

This is my first time at Sudlow Station
This is really neat. I like the Parmaco with the pump. It will be fun to watch it over the week.

I found some trees to climb outside. 
Isn't that an interesting engine? I wonder what it is?
It's from Oil City Iron Works. 
One of the engineers told me that it is a steam engine that needs a lot of TLC and work to be put back together. A work in progress maybe.

That's it for day one. Come back tomorrow to see who joined us at the power museum. :) Of course, if you've read Whose Turn, you know who. (giggling)

Best wishes,


1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had fun climbing the tree Melody. I also really like those glasses, I'd better not let Cassandra see them!
