
Monday, September 14, 2015

Visiting Ocean City NJ

Love Visiting Friends

Oh. My. Goodness! Finally I get to tell you all about my trip to see Lady Dartia this past Friday, September 11. She is in from Illinois to vacation with her family and invited friends to join her in Ocean City when they could.

Hitting the Road

Wow! I looked back to Kaya's trip  trip to Ocean City, NJ way back in 2013...we left 40 minutes earlier. I said goodbye to everyone as they got ready for school. We grabbed our gear and tea and headed down the shore. The tea was chamomile citron with a touch of honey.

Our first stop was Wawa. Xyra needed to fill the gas tank and Lady Dartia asked us to bring her a couple soft pretzels. We got a third for ourselves - tell you more about that later. Then we headed to the Turnpike. Xyra got to try her EZPass - that was cool, zipping through the interchanges.

Of course, we listened to the radio. WMMR 93.3 Preston & Steve. We only got to hear the show from 6:30 to 8:40 AM. It was a pretty G - PG show again. Xyra likes when that happens if we're along. There was a discussion on what is the difference between being "fired" and "laid off." (giggles) Xyra was funny because she started muttering at the radio. Turns out their discussion never touched on "blue collar" layoffs. She told me that when you are in an industry or trade that may depend on the seasons you can get laid off when work demand is slow and rehired when it picks up again. Anyway, there was also a neat interview with Kevin Smith about filming Mallbrats (Mallrats 2) at the Exton Square Mall. And they remembered 9/11 with a moment of silence. Somber and touching. Plus we heard (uses radio announcer voice) "songs that start with the letter S" during the Back to School A to Z.


It was so good to see Lady Dartia and her mom, Madame RB. RB made us dippy eggs for breakfast - so tasty. 

Then we headed out on the bicycles and rode along the boardwalk. It was overcast and cool, but so much fun to ride and hear the sound of the tires as they roll over the wooden slats. Plus the breeze in your face. Love it! Did some shopping too! Definitely stopped at Shriver's for taffy and fudge. YUM!


We stopped back at the house quickly before heading out to lunch. Back on the bikes! We headed over to Asbury and Jon and Patty's. Lady Dartia had the nutty chicken salad sandwich while Xyra and I split the turkey and Swiss wrap. A great little cafe, reminded me of Java Good Day Cafe at home.

After lunch we walked Asbury and went to the Kay Jay Doll Shoppe
I'm looking forward to showing you what we picked out there. But that's another post. (bounces and claps)

To the Beach

After biking back to the house we had one more goal and that was to hit the beach! The day was overcast and cool, but the beach was still a lot of fun! 

On our way we thought this would be a good spot for a remembrance or patriotic photo.

Sand castles with moats. (giggles)

The ocean waves.

I had fun with those. Xyra was trying to get a photo of a wave at my toes when one came in up to my knees! Xyra has great reflexes and picked me up right away - just in case I lost my footing. Whew! It was close; I could feel the sand washing out from under my feet.

Then we just hung out, watched the surfers, and talked.
A man, who had been body surfing, asked about me. He was very nice.

Too soon it was time to go home, so Lady Dartia walked us back to the house.

I waited on the porch while Xyra reorganized our gear.

Home Again

Back on the road we were still listening to (uses radio announcer voice) "songs that begin with the letter S." They took us all the way home as the sunset. It got dark while we were still in Philly - hit some traffic there, but we still got home by 8:30 to have pizza with the others. Xyra thinks if the days are right next year could be an overnight.

Thank you for a fabulous day, Lady Dartia and Madame RB!

Have you ever had salt water taffy? If yes, what is your favorite flavor? Do you have a favorite flavor of fudge?

Best wishes,



  1. How fun, a nice day out! I bet that was a little scary when the water came in too quickly!

    1. You bet! There was a wave that got within a few inches and I missed the photo, but figured the next one would tickle the toes. 5 waves came and went that weren't even close...then the big one. Yikes! Very happy to be quick.

      (giggling) I thought the water felt nice.
