
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Welcome August

Also a Little Late

We didn't get a chance to rebuild the Lego calendar before leaving for Ocracoke. Too busy packing. Now that we are back...we checked the notes and remembered your suggestions for this month's colors...sunset colors and since we'd seen so many neat sunsets while in North Carolina it was fun to try to recreate something similar. Although, we found that we really should visit the Lego store and do a "pick a brick" where you can pick the colors and blocks you need. Even adding a classic set didn't give us enough orange flat pieces - and it teased us with 4 dark purple blocks! Only 4!

We also decided to make this one a little bigger and more vacation oriented. 

On this end we have a mailbox for sending postcards, a bench for reading, and a snack stand.

Here's a better look at the center calendar and gardens.

And on this end the tourist kiosk. Some of the sets we find are the grab bag ones at Walmart and Target check out or seasonal sections. Sadly, they aren't on the Lego website.  

We mixed and matched a few things. It's getting harder to keep all the sets separate. it doesn't matter to me if all the pieces are in one big box with the instruction booklets, but Xyra is having a few issues. (giggles) I heard her mutter, "ARGH!" the other day. 

So what do you think? 
Any ideas for September row colors?

Best wishes,


  1. That turned out so cute! I have to admit though, I'd probably be like Xyra and having a small freak out over the mixed blocks. September colors-hmmm...yellow, orange red and green, like leaves.

    1. Neat idea!

      I went through the pile with the instruction booklets the other month and tried to get everything back in order...but there are always extra parts. Those could go in the general box. :)

  2. Very neat! Fall colors next month?
    Enjoyed your vacation posts! Recently saw a Lego Friends' keychain figurine and and the character's shoes lit up!

    1. Thank you! Fall colors could work; maybe early fall colors.
      Glad you enjoyed the posts. Yes, those keychains are cute. Haven't quite figured out which friend would be the best to have guard our keys. ;-)
