
Friday, August 14, 2015

Rain Helps

Vegetables Need Sun and Water

Tomato Update

The last time I checked on our tomato was the day after we got back from Ocracoke. It was still green. Since then we've had a day and a half of rain. I wonder how it looks now. Let's go check it out, Lulu.

Look, Lulu, it's the same color as your leash!

And there are blossoms on this plant. We may get more than one tomato this year after all.

Looks like we need to do some weeding too. Oh, well. I'm so happy about our tomato!

See you again soon!


  1. YAY! We've been enjoying ours this week, finally. I've made two batches of homemade fresh salsa, no leftovers, it's our favorite. I hope you get more tomatoes. :)

    1. I do too. Right now we'd have a doll-sized jar of salsa. :-D But I'm thrilled we are getting anything at all, so if it just the one we're good.

  2. Yay! I hope that tomato turns out well!

    - Ellie

    1. Will be checking it again soon. Don't want to miss the opportunity. A friend said hers started to rot from the bottom.

  3. Your tomato reminds me just a bit of Charlie Brown's Christmas tree! It's small but it's got a will to deliver you some fresh tomatoes! We just got back from Chicago and we now have 1 almost red tomato too! Jen

    1. That's a great comparison! The tomato plant does look a lot like Charlie Brown's Christmas tree...few branches and one red ornament. :)

      Enjoy your tomato too!

  4. Wow what a good gardener you are! I hope it tastes as good as it looks.

    1. Thank you. :) Will be harvesting soon. Looking forward to it and will keep you posted on taste.
