
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Tea for Tuesday #2

Joseph Wesley 04 Revisited

Hi! How are you today? All is well here. We are awaiting strong thunderstorms; Xyra said we might hear some vampire baseball. 
Anyway, I ran an experiment and had to share the results with you. My supplies include the Joseph Wesley 04 Dian Hong Congfu blend and the Simply Good Tea infusion bottle.

To use the bottle you put it your tea leaves, add hot water, put the lid on, and go. It's a neat system; however, not all tea blends can be left in the water like that. Over steeping some can result in a bitter brew. Not very appealing. I wanted to see if the 04 would work and used one teaspoon of leaves.
It WORKS! The Dian Hong Congfu did not get bitter AND I was able to re-steep several times during the day. The flavor did change a bit over the day, but not in a bad way. As the leaves continued to unfold different notes (even one a bit floral) emerged.

As you can see, I did not add milk during this experiment. In fact, I didn't add sugar either. Very tasty! 

Do you ever experiment in your kitchen? If yes, what was your favorite result?

Best wishes!

Note: Tea Time with Melody Q is not affiliated with American Girl, Joseph Wesley Tea, or Simply Good Tea. The products featured in this post were purchased between November 2014 and January 2015. The previous reviews (04, infuser bottle) and this new review were unsolicited and are comprised of our own words and honest opinions. All links are provided for educational and informative purposes.


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