
Monday, July 20, 2015

Coolspring July 2015

Painting Sudlow Station

Hi! I got to go back to Coolspring Power Museum this weekend! We headed out super early Saturday morning - it was still dark, dark out! Thankfully I slept until we stopped at the Wawa off the turnpike before getting on I-80 west. We refilled our tea (Franz had coffee) and ordered breakfast burritos. They were yummy, but there are too many onions in Wawa's salsa. Then it was back on the road.

Around 10:30 AM we pulled onto the museum grounds and drove past the History Day line of trucks to Sudlow Station. Master Taylor was already there preparing the the woodwork. We said hello, unloaded the gear, Franz headed off to Punxsutawney for forgotten items and we (who stayed behind) got to work sanding and scraping and spot priming with the first coat.

It was a big job, but Taylor, Xyra, and I finished just as Franz returned with the stuff and LUNCH! Italian hoagies from Sheetz! Yum! The others were still eating and I noticed this apparatus moving. I hadn't seen it move last time. It was pretty cool.

After lunch we got to painting. Taylor took the windows. Franz did the eaves and corners. Xyra and I worked on the entry ways and 1 1/2 corners. Everything got two coats. 

We finished around 4:30 PM.  It was hot and humid, but the paint dried nicely. The building is in the shade so it wasn't nearly as hot as it could have been; we didn't have the sun beating down on us.

Franz and Taylor started the engine and we watched it run while rehydrating.

The Professor came to invite us to dinner. Taylor headed home, but we went up and visited with everyone. 

Xyra had put up the tent earlier in the day so it was ready for overnight. It wasn't raining, but I still slept in the truck. 

Sunday morning we packed up and headed home.

A hot, sticky weekend. Lots of hard work accomplished. A great road trip! It's good to be home again too.

Stop again soon! Have a nice day!


  1. how wonderful that you gave your time for the upkeep of this museum building. I like that Kirsten wears sturdy food protection when working outside :)

    1. Safety first!

      (Plus it helps with stability in posing. ~Xyra)

  2. It was terribly hot this past weekend, I feel for you guys. It looks great though!

    1. Yes, it was. :) Thanks! It's done and we don't have to worry about trying to get it done in October or sometime before October.
