
Wednesday, July 29, 2015


Can you guess from the title what movie we went to see?

Movie Time!

In a strange twist of events, I get to go to and feature The Grand Theater this time. I took a look back in our archives and Lanie has gone two times before: Star Trek and Cinderella. I got to see MINIONS! Woo Hoo! 

Lady Vanyer met us at home and we drove to The Grand together. It's a quick trip and easy to get to. We arrived just as they were opening the doors so headed in to get our tickets.
Then we headed in and got our popcorn. (Xyra forgot to turn the flash on, so these pictures are dark). I love popcorn so we got a large! And a soda.

Choosing seats was pretty easy. As the three of us settled in, Lady Kappa and her son, GJ, joined us. They had popcorn and skittles. Yum!
The movie was hysterical. Some parts I didn't get, but I think they were geared toward the adults. Definitely PG, but leaning toward G...sort of.

We finished the popcorn, but not the soda.
On our way out I stopped to look over the house. It's such a beautiful theater for watching movies. (Now she uses the flash. giggles)
We were the last ones out after watching all the credits (a must!) and it was still light out! So I could pose by the movie poster. 

[Yep. Not my best photography work on this one.  Especially when I look back at previous trips to the movies. Well, we all have days like that.]

Movie Review


Love the Minions. This movie was really funny! Kevin, Stuart, and Bob are the best!


  • Hysterical! 
  • Despicable Me is still the best of these movies, but this installment is funny and cute and interesting. 
  • If you wish the Minions spoke a language other than minion then you won't like this movie. To you I say, "KING BOB!"
  • The soundtrack is outstanding - popular rock songs from the late 60s that have you dancing in your seat! (And singing along.)
  • If you don't like sitting through the end credits, your loss. Lots of great footage to be had during and at the very end that probably won't be played when on TV.

Hope you are having a lovely summer. If it's really hot where you are, find a nice local theater like The Grand and stay cool while watching a movie.

Have you seen Minions? What was your favorite part?

Best wishes,



  1. I have a feeling that when Cassandra gets back from D.C. we will probably be heading out to see this, unless she's seen it already. LOVE Minions!

    1. Minions!

      It's not super long. Started at 7 (our local theater shows the "Let's all Go to the Lobby" snippet, a "grandma" talking movie etiquette, and 1 preview - The Peanuts movie this time) and we were out shortly after 8:30 even watching all the credits and visiting the restroom. :)
