
Friday, July 31, 2015


Fun Garden Find

When Xyra told Lady Apple that our little Juliet tomato plant broke she gave us two plants from her garden. They sprouted on their own. She wasn't sure if they'd take hold and produce, but we could try. We planted them in the side garden hoping they would get more light there. We haven't checked on it lately. The last time it was still bare. I wonder if there are any tomatoes now?

Hey! There's a tomato!
Just one, but it's nice.
You know, it will probably be ripe while we are away. Too bad!
What do you think? Will it be good until August 8? Or maybe still green?

See you again soon!

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Fun Stuff from Nonna

Hanging out in the AC

Haley, Kaya, Kirsten, Lanie, Melody, 2 or more, Xyra

It's been really hot and humid here. Not as bad as it has been before, but enough to make you want to seek someplace cool. The girls have been staying inside a lot. But they also like bright spaces so they gathered in the other room to watch a movie. That's where Melody found everyone - she had a couple of things to share.

Check it Out

What's up, Mel?
I have a couple of things to show you.
Like what?
I love surprises!
You know how I went to visit Nonna and visited with Trinity, Thomas, and Gigi?
Well, Nonna sent a couple of things home for us.
Share, share, share.
First, this adorable cat bag.
Oooo! It matches the kitty tank we have.
Yes, it does.
I think we should call it stylish kitty.
It looks like there is something in the bag.
There is! 
An American Girl Nashville tee shirt!
Nice. Super. Awesome.
Can I see the bag?
I like the colors. The purple straps match the kitty.
They could have used pink to match the bow too.
Purple is best.
The new graphic on the tee shirt is pretty.
I know.
So many stars.
I'm going to try it on.
Love it!
Definitely more fitted than the previous tee shirts.
Looks great!
Must remember to pack it for the trip.

Thank you, Nonna!

Best wishes,

Wednesday, July 29, 2015


Can you guess from the title what movie we went to see?

Movie Time!

In a strange twist of events, I get to go to and feature The Grand Theater this time. I took a look back in our archives and Lanie has gone two times before: Star Trek and Cinderella. I got to see MINIONS! Woo Hoo! 

Lady Vanyer met us at home and we drove to The Grand together. It's a quick trip and easy to get to. We arrived just as they were opening the doors so headed in to get our tickets.
Then we headed in and got our popcorn. (Xyra forgot to turn the flash on, so these pictures are dark). I love popcorn so we got a large! And a soda.

Choosing seats was pretty easy. As the three of us settled in, Lady Kappa and her son, GJ, joined us. They had popcorn and skittles. Yum!
The movie was hysterical. Some parts I didn't get, but I think they were geared toward the adults. Definitely PG, but leaning toward G...sort of.

We finished the popcorn, but not the soda.
On our way out I stopped to look over the house. It's such a beautiful theater for watching movies. (Now she uses the flash. giggles)
We were the last ones out after watching all the credits (a must!) and it was still light out! So I could pose by the movie poster. 

[Yep. Not my best photography work on this one.  Especially when I look back at previous trips to the movies. Well, we all have days like that.]

Movie Review


Love the Minions. This movie was really funny! Kevin, Stuart, and Bob are the best!


  • Hysterical! 
  • Despicable Me is still the best of these movies, but this installment is funny and cute and interesting. 
  • If you wish the Minions spoke a language other than minion then you won't like this movie. To you I say, "KING BOB!"
  • The soundtrack is outstanding - popular rock songs from the late 60s that have you dancing in your seat! (And singing along.)
  • If you don't like sitting through the end credits, your loss. Lots of great footage to be had during and at the very end that probably won't be played when on TV.

Hope you are having a lovely summer. If it's really hot where you are, find a nice local theater like The Grand and stay cool while watching a movie.

Have you seen Minions? What was your favorite part?

Best wishes,


Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Trip to Nonna's

Meeting New Friends

I guess the story goes way back to November when Rhonda's traveling doll, Willow, made a trip to Pennsylvania. While reading the posts about the trip we noticed that the places Willow and her host family visited were very close to us. So we contacted Rhonda about meeting Nonna.

In December, Xyra and I got to meet Nonna and Amy. Then in January Lanie got to meet Amy. While a lot of time has passed since the last time we saw each other you know we kept in touch via email, facebook, texting, etc. And then this last weekend we were able to visit in person again!

This time I got to go over to Nonna's house and meet Trinity, Thomas, and Gigi. Thomas was sneaky and ducked out of the photos. Next time we'll catch him on film. (giggles)

New Shades

Melody, Trinity
Hi! I'm Melody!
I'm Trinity!
Cute outfit.  Love the shades!
Thanks! I really like your outfit especially the shoes.
Thank you! The top is new. The shoes I borrowed from my sister, Lanie.

Trinity was trying on the sunglasses and headband from the OG Music to My Ears set. The headband is all elastic, so it goes on really easily! We had fun trying the different sunglasses from Set Your Sights on Fun too. The larger, clear, sparkly frames looked good on both of us. Then we laughed because they also made Trinity look a little bit like Edna from The Incredibles. Halloween, maybe?

Ride Around the Neighborhood

Then Gigi and Trinity invited me to ride in the bus. 

Melody, Trinity, Gigi, 2 or more

Look over there!
Neat! I love those flowers.
Did you see the bee?
The shade is so nice.
It's going to get hot!
I'm happy we have air conditioning. 
That was fun!

Great Day

Such a fun trip! We visited and talked about so many different things: Nonna's trip to Nashville, Trinity's trip from Nashville, tea, books, movies, clothes... the list goes on. Can't wait to see everyone again!

What do you talk to your friends about most?

Best wishes,

Monday, July 27, 2015

Meatloaf's Rail Adventures #2

The North Shore Railroad

Saturday was a sunny summer day. It started out cool and by the end of the day was hot and humid. However, it was also a great day to ride the rails. This time we can find Meatloaf along The North Shore Railroad. The North Shore is a functioning freight railroad that is also very active in the community it serves. Xyra and Franz have participated in their Toys for Tots motorcar runs in the past.

Previously you have seen Meatloaf ride in a New York Central car and a SOO Line car. Saturday he rode in a Canadian National car. An MT-19 to be exact. The trip started out in Northumberland near the Joseph Priestley House. Meatloaf was excited while everyone set on the rails. 

After the safety meeting, they were off and headed to Berwick.
In Bloomsburg, they stopped for lunch. Meatloaf jumped out to stretch his little legs.

He went to visit friends in another car and found a vent he could look out.

Do you know what that symbol above him means?

After lunch they headed up to Berwick where the cars turned. Once again Meatloaf jumped out to stretch his legs and check out the flora and the shade.

Soon they were heading back to Northumberland.
At one of the major crossings, they waited for all the cars to get together. It was the perfect time to grab a drink.
Do some reading.
Before starting up again.
Meatloaf tried to stay out of the sun by getting close to Xyra.
The breeze blew through the open doors as they went around curves through the woods.
And along the road.
The wooded sections were Meatloaf's favorites.

Thank you to everyone at The North Shore Railroad and to Mr. Snickelfritz for a great day and run!

Best wishes,