
Monday, June 29, 2015

Coolspring Power Museum June 2015 Part 5

Home Sweet Home

Kirsten, Haley, Kaya, Lanie, Melody, 2 or more

Hi, everyone! (barking) We're home!
(panting, tail wagging, yipping)
Hey! Yay! Missed you! Hiya!
How was the trip?
How was the weather?
Rainy, but also good too.
So you didn't spend the entire time in the truck?
How was the tent?
Didn't get to use that at all. The nights were too damp; those I spent in the truck.
What's in the bag?
Really cool stuff! Let me show you. (rummages in bag)
You know I met Flo and Shivan from Say Hello to My Little Friends, right.
They brought us this awesome binder; isn't it great?
You bet!
Look at all this awesome paper.
Thank you, Flo and Shivan!

Then I found a great lady in the flea market who set up a nice doll boutique. Picked out two cool outfits. First, is a dark green and ivory high low dress.
Oooo. Ahhh. Cool! Love it!
I can't wait to wear this one.
Then I picked out this cute zebra outfit. It has a dress and pants.
Nice! Super cute! Too cute! 
Finally, we read a great book called Shakespeare's Secret. I can't wait for you to read it.
We read something while you were away too. Nancy Drew and The Secret of the Forgotten City. We're interested to see what you think of it.
So glad you're home.
It's good to be home again.

Stop again soon. Have a great day!


  1. Love all the dogs greeting her along with everyone else, looks familiar! You are very welcome, glad that you like the binder. I can't wait to see the dresses on someone, they both look cute.

    1. If they had been inside, the cats would have gotten involved too.

  2. I love the dark green and ivory high low dress! I think Kaya would look amazing in it.

    1. I know, right? she has the best footwear options to pair with it too. :)
