
Saturday, June 27, 2015

Coolspring Power Museum June 2015 Part 4

Trip Odds and Ends

Our last full day at Coolspring was another sunny and hot one with no rain in the forecast. Yay!

Testing Paint

The first thing we did was head down to Sudlow Station. The trim needs a new coat of paint and we weren't sure the color we got was the right one. So we found a small spot to test it. Someplace where it wouldn't matter if it didn't match. The edge of the door was perfect for this.

Yeah, that's not the right shade of red. Back to the drawing board.

Gift Shop

We walked up to the Gift Shop. There had been a long line most of the week, but now it was pretty empty. We headed right in.
First, I spotted the new book Flame Ignition. It's huge! 
Really cool looking too. 
There is a good description and synopsis on the main Coolspring page. You have to scroll down, but you can't miss it.

Then I moved over to the bandanas, suspenders, cups, and animals.
The store has a little bit of everything. Xyra bought a new tee shirt, she thinks she might get another in the fall.

The Jeep

Found it! The jeep doesn't sit still long. I grabbed a photo while I could.

Stop again soon! Have a great day!


  1. Matching paint is hard! Looks like you had a grand time!

    1. We found the real color we want at Tractor Supply. :) Going back in July.
