
Thursday, June 25, 2015

Coolspring Power Museum June 2015 Part 2

Meeting New Friends

Today opened with an overcast sky. It seemed to want to rain, but wasn't...yet. People around our area would call the air or weather "close" (like "stay close to me" not "close the door") which means it was really hot and humid. I was glad it wasn't raining because Xyra had made plans to meet Flo from Say Hello to My Little Friends and she was going to bring one of her girls. 

After breakfast, we walked up to the Coolspring General Store
They have really comfortable porch swings. 
The second swing was raised to protect a bird's nest. I didn't understand at first, but I saw the twigs sticking through the slats on the one end.

Shortly after we sat down, we saw a car come around the corner and hoped it was Flo. It was! Flo and Shivan alighted (learned that one from Nancy Drew - it means got out of the car) and we exchanged greetings and gifts. They brought us an awesome binder. (You'll see it in my last Coolspring post - I promise.) 

Then we headed to the museum grounds by way of the Snow. Not the cold white stuff, but the 600 horse power engine that was originally used to pump natural gas from Pennsylvania to New York state. Shivan and I posed for a couple of pictures by the Snow.

That section behind us is only about one fifth of the engine - it's HUGE!

I really loved Shivan's outfit. She told me the shorts and tee came from If Dolls Could Dream on Etsy, her striped socks from Julie's roller skate set, and her boots from Hobby Lobby.

We made our way down the hill and through the buildings. In the Power Tech Annex we watched the Paradox run for a bit. 
This was originally a child's toy. Can you imagine? You hooked it up to the gas line for the kitchen stove or to the line for illuminating the house.

Flo saw the Bessemer and mentioned knowing something about that company because of where it was located - Grove City, PA. There are a lot of engines that were built in Pennsylvania.

Over in the Power House Annex we stopped again to pose by a beautifully restored Otto.

Most of the engines have signs with vital information on them; this is the one for the Otto. (I don't know why is turned - computers sometimes...ugh!)

From there we headed through the Sousong and Preston Memorial Hall buildings. Special engines are housed here like these.

After making our way through the Expo Building and flea market area it was time to find a bench and chat. Boy, did we talk about everything! American Girl, Our Generation, Etsy, books, movies, our blogs, other blogs, crafts, crafters (Amaya were your ears burning?), etc. Time flew by...then the thunder started to rumble. So we took a few last photos before walking back out to their car and saying good bye. 

Oh. My. Goodness! We had so much fun meeting Flo and Shivan. (They could post about our meeting before I could; check it out here.) I hope we get to see them again. Unfortunately, it will be Haley's turn to visit Coolspring in October.

If you're interested, my outfit...
Tee shirt from Kay Jay's Doll Shoppe in Ocean City, NJ; shorts from the Pennsburg Ace, Socks are a yard sale find, boots from OG Mad about Plaid outfit; necklace was part of my Meet Accessories.

More tomorrow!

Stop again soon.  Have a great day!


  1. I'm hoping to make it again in October--not sure who will be coming with me since the girls have so many activities they are involved in. And yes, Amaya, if you read this, we were totally fangirling over you! Such a fun day.

  2. Great post! I bet it is really fun meeting another blogger! I've always wanted to, but haven't had the chance yet. :)
    Looks like you had a fun time! Can't wait for tomorrow's post!

    1. I'm sure you will. Keep reading for the clues of those who are nearby..ora in the same state. :-)

  3. Looked like you girls had fun ! Can't wait to read Part 3 !
