
Friday, June 5, 2015

Chief Joseph and Family

From Native American Images

Back on May 15, Native American Images posted a photograph of Chief Joseph and his family. The post also included a little information about the photo and the man. I am sharing Native American Images' post with you for many reasons; mainly because I hope you will become interested in learning more about First Nation cultures.

A secondary reason is because of his daughter in the back row. 
She is stunning and reminds me AG did correct Kaya'aton'my's prototype to reflect proper Nez Perce expression. I wish AG would go back to being more detailed oriented.

Please note: during the early days of photography people had a hard time smiling even with their eyes as they were being held tightly in place by a series of frames and braces so that they could not move at all while the film was exposed. As such most portraits report very dour expressions.  Try sitting absolutely still for over a minute and see how you fair.  :)

Best wishes,



  1. Such a cool photograph, thanks so much for sharing it! I agree that the girl looks a lot like Kaya.

    1. Thank you; I 'm glad you liked it. I just had to share this photo.

  2. I love any historical photographs and the details in their outfits are beautiful, I too wish that American Girl would make more traditional outfits for Kaya instead of always giving her a fancy shawl outfit.

    1. :) Glad to hear it. I like that she gets the different types of powwow regalia. But would like to see more added to her collection - traditional items not bundled together.
