
Friday, May 22, 2015

Disappointing Discovery

We Need More Tea

Kaya, Melody, Xyra

Oh, no!
What is it, Mel?
This is our last Fashionista Tea Organic Creamy Earl Grey sachet.

Requesting Your Help

We really liked the organic creamy Earl Grey blend and would like to one of the other seven.
Help us choose the next blend in our collection.

How to Help

[Note: This is a poll not a giveaway.]

  • Go to the Fashionista Tea web site and take a look at the different blends. Come back here and leave a comment telling us your favorite blend. Leave your comment no later than midnight June 1, 2015.
  • Enlist others to help as well by letting your friends know about our decision dilemma. Post on your own blog, in a forum, tweet about it, or share on Facebook and/or Google+.  [You can like us on Facebook, we are Tea Time with Melody Q.]

The blend with the most votes is the one we will try next. No purchase is required to participate in the poll.

Best wishes,

Note: Tea Time with Melody Q is not affiliated with American Girl or Fashionista Tea. The future review is unsolicited and purely of our own volition. It will be posted in the second week of June.



  1. I was going to say Green Pomegranate, but it says it is raspberry flavored with only a hint of pomegranate, so I will say Orange Chamomile. I love the Green Tea White Peach we have from Eastern Shores because it has chamomile in it, and I really like the aftertaste it adds. I will be looking forward to which variety you choose!

  2. OMG TEA. We LOVE tea at the Bruton School. (I mean, we ARE, most of us, British or Irish. It's the natural order of things!) I usually prefer black tea, so I'm going to vote for the Fashionista Blend, which sounds lovely. That said, Amy Jinn brewed a pot yesterday of some of the loveliest stuff I've ever tasted -- it's a jasmine green tea that's blended with lavender and dried citrus fruit. Very light and refreshing on a hot day. So if I were to have two votes, I'd have to give the second to the White Tip Jasmine. Looking forward to hearing about the one you choose!


    1. Thank you very much for your votes. Yes, both count. :)

      The blend Amy Jinn made for you the other day sounds heavenly!
