
Thursday, May 28, 2015

Lanie Gets Ideas

Great Aunt Lanie's Garden

I'm always up for visiting a great looking garden. The other day I headed over to Great Aunt Lanie's new house and garden. It's smaller than her previous garden, but still gorgeous. Check it out!

White azaleas, so pretty. Ours at home are pink - also very pretty. The winter was really hard on a couple of our bushes. If we have to replace them maybe we can put in white. 
Can you see the pink lilies in the background?

I love these tall pink flowers. 
And the containers! Oh, the ideas for containers we could put around our house!

Lady Jem uses containers on her balcony to make it beautiful in the spring and summer. We joke about her balcony-ing instead of gardening.

Lanie has big, two toned irises around her house. 

Love the colors! The pale lavender and the rich purple - wow!

Do you have a favorite photo from this trip? Can't about a favorite flower?

Happy gardening!


  1. I love the photo of the iris, they remind me of the ones that my grandma used to grow! My favorite flower that we grow is a hydrangea, and I was excited to see lots of blooms coming already on one of ours.

    1. Hydrangea is beautiful! Our neighbor has one in front of their house. I don't think it has blooms yet. But her roses have bloomed nicely.

  2. Look at all the colors! That's a beautiful garden.
    ~ Kiki

    1. Great Aunt Lanie loves to garden and it really shows. She was given a wonderful gift with that talent.

  3. I liked the one with the red geranium background because of all the colorful plants around Lanie. I also liked the last one with the iris. What beautiful iris those are with the two tones.

    1. She has another red geranium that is a hanging plant. She's been watching it and believes a bird couple is nesting among the blooms.

      Love those irises.

  4. I love the two-toned irises and Lanie's sunglasses!

    1. Those glasses are cute. They are part of an Our Generation accessory set.
