
Thursday, May 7, 2015

Garden Tour May 2015

Growing and Growing

We'll be revisiting the garden from time to time. Since we took these pictures the plants have doubled in size. So we'll take another tour soon.

Haley, Kaya, Kirsten, Lanie, Melody, Xyra

These tulips bloomed first and the petals are getting ready to fall away. The small green and white hosta are getting bigger. they will fill in this space nicely. Oh, I see some thistles that need to be pulled, but after it rains.

Actually, this tulip popped up first because it is right by the dryer vent. See the leaves on the ground by the ferns. Speaking of ferns...aren't they unrolling nicely? You can see the one is still slightly spiraled.

Elvis is looking awesome! Seems like we have a soldier outside the little fence. I'll have to try and move that to a better spot.

I just love azaleas! Don't you?

This is my favorite of the tulips. It's smaller and has ivory petals with a hint of pink along the edges.
The lilacs are trying to bloom. The blossoms are on the small side this year and kind of sparse.

This is a white bleeding heart. A beautiful and fragile plant.

Wildflowers are neat too. I know one of the neighbors isn't so fond of dandelions, but we like them. Of course, we do like the wild violets better. (At least I think that is what they are called).

I'm still taller than our giant hostas. Won't be much longer. 

Must be where they are located. The giant hostas over here are taller than I am. The sedum (just behind me) and veronica (far right in photo) are looking good too. And on the far left you can make out the green leaves of the irises.

Do you like to garden? Do you prefer flowers or vegetables? 

Best wishes,


  1. Oh, your garden is so pretty! I do prefer vegetable gardens to flower gardens, just because they are more useful, but I plant both. Unfortunatly I haven't begun to plant mine yet because of the weather. Just yesterday we had a blizzard *sigh* Oh well, the sun will shine eventually.

    1. I like both, but haven't planted vegetables in a long time. I do have a few things (some herbs and a tomato) to get started/planted. The temperatures have been so weird here I haven't gotten to it yet. Thankfully no blizzards here. Sending warm thoughts your way. :)

  2. Looks like your flowers are a bit ahead of ours. Our azalea is having the same problem your lilacs are having, not sure if we are going to get our usual big ball of color. The delphinium is growing like crazy and so is the hydrangea, so looking forward to lots of blooms on both of those. I started tomatoes, peppers and basil indoors, still have onions and lettuce to do, but we don't do much of anything outside until at least Memorial Day, darned late frosts! I'll be curious to see how our roses do after the horrid winter we had. To answer your question, yes, we like to garden! Hubby does the flowers and I do the veggies.

    1. Two of our azaleas really look bad. I think we might lose them this year. I love them all 4 are the pink like in the picture. Late frosts can be a challenge. Best wishes for your garden.
