
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Meatloaf's Rail Adventures #1 Part 2

Port Clinton to Jim Thorpe (or Mauch Chunk)

[That's pronounced maw-chunk or ma-chunk - the town was renamed to honor a successful Olympic athlete. Depending on who you talk to it's okay or not.]

Cold Morning in Port Clinton

How cold was it?

That white stuff by Meatloaf isn't snow, it's frost that Xyra scraped off the motorcar windows.

Not all the cars had a chance to turn around the night before, so they turned in the morning. While waiting Meatloaf got to scout around. He found a pile of coal.
An old motorcar frame or trailer frame.
Then it was time to head out for Jim Thorpe.

The first stop was Tamaqua station. Meatloaf found a great little dinky engine.
And some models in the station gift shop area. He thinks the minis would like this, but Xyra thought it was too small for them.
This scale is definitely broken.
The green engine is probably a switcher.

Between Tamaqua and Jim Thorpe is the Hometown High Bridge. This photo is a bit blurry, but everyone is waiting their turn to cross. The bridge is over 160 feet high and 1,000 feet long (it's higher than the Brooklyn Bridge).
The crossing was slow so that each car could be photographed singly as it crossed. It took over a minute to cross. Meatloaf stretched his legs while waiting. 

Then it was off to Jim Thorpe. After lunch Meatloaf took a nap, so these pictures are just of the town. 

In fact these last couple he is not posing, but I just had to share. [Xyra note: By this time of the day it was warm enough to ride with the doors open. I put my jacket back on, but the breeze was welcome.] Heading back over Hometown High Bridge.
Yes, that is ice.
One of several neat curves.
Back in Port Clinton they loaded up an headed home.

Meatloaf is happy to be home, but looking forward to his next adventure.

Best wishes,



  1. This looks really neat, I'm going to have to check their website out.

    1. Jim Thorpe is a lovely town with lots of things to see. Kind of like historic Brookville.

    2. I have a dumb question--do you guys own the motor car? I know that you are very involved in antique powered "things" and I wondered as I was reading if that was yours.

    3. Not a dumb question at all. Yes, we own this motorcar and a few others. I believe all the NARCOA members own their cars. There is testing and insurance involved which is why I am happily a passenger. :)

    4. What an interesting hobby! I think I probably would prefer being a passenger too.

    5. Still have to pay attention to details, but can also take pictures when you can grab them. Sometimes the most beautiful scene whisks by and it just isn't the same when you are heading home. Still imprints on the memory though.
