
Thursday, March 12, 2015

New Tea Pot

Surprise from Lady Webby

Haley, Melody, both, Xyra

Finding the Box

Hey, what's this? 
Do you think it is what it says on the box?
I don't know. Would be really cool if it is.
Let's open it.
Oh, cool! Neat!
It is a new tea pot!
I love the green color.
Where did it come from?
Lady Webby gave it to us.
There's the infuser.
And an infuser holder so you don't oversteep.
Hmm, we won't be able to show the immediate color with this one, but we can work around that.
Look! It's called an I-Pot.
It's an infuser pot.
I can't wait to try it out!
Me either.
THANK YOU, Lady Webby!

So Many Tea Pots

Do you know someone who loves tea who has a collection of tea pots and uses all of them? Well, there is a good reason for that. Each pot shape and material (clay, cast iron, ceramic, porcelain, glass, etc.) steeps a little differently. I'm not exactly sure why that is, but have read a few articles on tea pots and will have to do more research to explain further. 

Another reason for having several teapots has to do with how the material relates to the blend being steeped. Some pots will retain the stronger flavors even after being cleaned. So if you brew Earl Grey frequently in a clay pot, the bergamot will permeate the pot and transfer to the next brewing. Not always a bad thing, but could be if your friends are not Earl Grey fans or you are looking forward to a delicate herbal.

This can happen with other beverages as well. For example, we have two small 4-cup coffee makers at home. One is for coffee and the other is strictly for hot water (Yes, I know true tea connoisseurs may be horrified that we heat our water this way, please don't be - the temperature is better for green and white teas.) because no matter how hard you might scrub the maker after coffee has been made the water will still have a faint coffee taste to it. If you don't like coffee the tainted tea becomes...blech! 

Best wishes,


  1. ooh, a new teapot just in time for the weekend! My husband just received a hot water heating teapot with adjustable temps. He loves his tea and it's all over the kitchen but how can I complain when he is so patient with the dolls in every other room ��
    Jen @

    1. Very nice. I look at the different pots with adjustable temps from time to time. Our space is limited, so I've passed for now. Maybe sometime in the future. :-)

  2. That new pot is super cool, and I didn't know all the different type of tea pots steep differently! I have two tea pots, an antique silver one and a bright yellow glass one. Could you do a review on a tetley tea?

    1. Apparently even the shape of the pot matters in how the tea releases it's flavors.

      We'll look into it. :) Thank you for the suggestion.
