
Monday, January 26, 2015

Snow and S'mores

After The Snow

Haley, Kaya, Kirsten, Lanie, Melody

Saturday brought 4 inches of snow. After everything was shoveled...
We thought it wasn't all that cold.
So we gathered a blanket and headed out to the fire pit.
Toasted some marshmallows.
And ate s'mores too. They're not just for summer. :)

More snow on the way.

What is your favorite snack after being outside in the cold?

Best wishes,


  1. I love winter smores! Sometimes I make them over candles. Sometimes I add a little cinnamon to my cocoa and dunk low fat gram crackers in it :)

    Remind me to give you my smores dip recipe...

    1. I have been known to use the broiler. Works well, but you have to watch or the chocolate gets all over.

      Please do share.

  2. Replies
    1. Mini marshmallows or marshmallow creme or whipped cream?

  3. Haha! Look how cute they are all bundled up! X-D
